Monday, March 17, 2014

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7 Tips We Can Do For Pharmaceuticals That Has Been Unused

Maybe we have not realized that dispose drugs into the environment simply turns dangerous as well as dispose toxins. There are certain medications that will break down into toxins, which are harmful not only to the flora and fauna, but also for ourselves.

A few types of drugs such as antibiotic, antiseptic, antiviral, antifungal, etc., if it hits the ground will disturb the balance of micro flora and fauna in the ground because it can kill normal microorganisms. In addition, specific to antibiotics, may cause harmful microorganisms immune to the antibiotics.

In addition, drugs that dumped former will pollute groundwater. Or are discharged into waterways eventually flow into the ocean, endangering fish and other sea creatures that eventually we eat.
So whether the pharmaceuticals should be thrown away?

This is 7 tips we can do for pharmaceuticals that has been unused:

1. Never dispose medicine into the trash, because it may be resold by irresponsible parties and of course very dangerous for the health of others.

2. For vitamins and minerals, can be used as fertilizer. How, when shaped capsule, the capsule contents released. If the form of tablets, destroyed first. Then sprinkle the powdered drug into the plant.

3. For vitamins and minerals liquid can be poured directly into the plant.

4. Collect pharmaceuticals that have been unused. After a bit much, Leave to the pharmacy, hospitals, or drug manufacturer. These parties usually perform routine culling of the stock of medication that is outdated.

5. If the amount tablets / capsules that have expired are of very large quantities, may also be deposited at the a cement factory, to be used as a cement mixture.

6. Don't forget to dispose first drug packaging. For example tore the sticker on the bottle, or it could be cut out packaging box. This is to prevent drug counterfeiting, because it could be the medicine bottle that has a sticker taken and subsequently filled scavenger counterfeit medicines

7. Remaining drug would not be used again but has not expired, may be submitted to the charity held a free medical care. The drug should be still good condition. This means that the tablet / capsule is still in the container (strips, blisters) that has not been opened, while for liquid medicine, unopened bottle cap.

That is 7 tips we can do for pharmaceuticals that has been unused. Useful for other people, and does not endanger the environment of course.

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