Showing posts with label Lifestyle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lifestyle. Show all posts

Friday, March 21, 2014

This is Hazards Throw away Used Batteries!


What did you do to the used batteries? Almost all will answer, throw it into the trash. Used batteries are hazardous waste so that they should not be thrown away carelessly.

All types of used batteries such as batteries in the remote, toys, watches, cell phones, digital cameras and batteries that can be charged (rechargeable) including hazardous material.

When a carelessly discarded or not recycled, the content of heavy metals and other hazardous substances that exist in the battery can pollute water and soil, which ultimately harm the human body.

Why used batteries should not be thrown away carelessly?

Batteries contain various heavy metals such as mercury, manganese, of lead, nickel, lithium and cadmium.

If the battery is carelessly discarded the heavy metals contained in them will pollute groundwater and endangering the health of the population.

If the water is contaminated with heavy metals used by society can lead to chronic illness that will cause interference in the central nervous system, kidneys, reproductive system, and even the cancer.

The effect is long-term effects. And usually people would be more concerned if it appears that the effect in the short term.

How to manage waste used batteries?

Supposedly used battery waste is managed specifically and separately from other waste.

Existing technology is hazardous waste will be dumped in the soil that already has other chemicals to be neutralized and destroyed so as not to pollute the environment.

To address this waste should be aware of all the first, either from the public, waste management and also because of the government's complex problems. Usually the only people who really aware of that does this.

What are the dangers of used batteries?

Waste batteries not only cause pollution but also endangering natural resources it has heavy metals and corrosive electrolyte into the battery power source, such as lead, mercury, nickel, cadmium, lithium, silver, zinc and manganese

Under the action of microorganisms, inorganic mercury can be transformed into methylmercury, fish congregate in the body which are then consumed by humans. Methylmercury can enter brain cells and have serious consequences such as damage to the nervous system that can make people become crazy, or even cause death.

While cadmium batteries can contaminate the soil and water, which eventually enter the human body causing liver and kidney damage, can also cause soft bones or heavy bone defects.

Additionally, cadmium can cause chronic poisoning and a reason causing emphysema (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease that involves damage to the air sacs in the lungs), osteomalacia (softening of the bones), anemia (lack of blood), also making paralysis in the human body.

Excretion of lead is also the most difficult in the human body and can impair kidney function and reproductive function.

If the battery waste mixed with other solid wastes, from time to time malicious content in it can contaminate water and soil, which then threatened the lives of fish, plants, environmental destruction and indirectly threaten human health.

6 Unique Trash Can In The World

Trash can is needed in every place. For those of you who are looking for unique trash can, maybe some of the trash can be purchased below. This is a unique 6 trashcan in the world:

1. Touchless Automatic Trash Can

Touchless Automatic Trash Can

As we know, trashcan surely relate to dirty and smelly, there is no single person who likes memegangnya.Tetapi different with this one trashcan is an infrared sensor, the trashcan open automatically as long as you are within 6 inches of sensors. Three seconds after the finish, the lid slides will be closed automatically.

2. Barcode Trashcan

Barcode Trashcan

Do you know if not all types of plastic can be recycled? Do you ever pay attention to the bottom of a bottle of mineral water which you drink? There is usually a sign of recycling can be found with the middle digit.
This is a sign that indicates whether this Plastic trash can be recycled or not. This tool is a smart trashcan are equipped with bar code. Making it easier for friends to filter the objects that can be recycled.

3. Expanding Office Bin

Expanding Office Bin

These bins can expand when filled with garbage. How unique is not it?

4. Ovetto Bin

Ovetto Bin

Italian architect Gianluca Soldi, who really care about the environment, designing Ovetto to make recycling easier and more organized, it offers three separate divisions for different types of recycling. Each part has a door for bag removal and cover to cut waste, and different colors to put the incoming waste.

5. Armstrong Bin

Armstrong Bin

These bins are designed to compress the volume of production of our trash every day. Armstrong Bin name comes from the first human landing on the moon, as you will land your first litter here.

6. Minus Trash Can

Minus Trash Can

The designer of Turkish, Cem Tutuncuoglu had the bright idea to keep the rats scouting foul aroma of your kitchen. With creativity, he managed to create Minus Frozen Garbage Container. From the name was predictable that the results of this work in the form of trashcan that could keep your organic waste so that the temperature remained below zero degrees so it does not decay and release a foul scent.

That's 6 trashcan unique and creative world. By disposing of waste in place well enough to help the earth.

8 Tips That Can We Do to Come Help Reduce Global Warming

stop global warming

1. Limit Usage The Paper
Instill in your mind firmly, that each time you use a sheet of paper then you have to cut down a tree. Therefore use of paper as effectively as possible, such as by printing a print out back and forth on each paper. If you print this something that is not too important, use scrap paper behind it is empty.

2. Using Public Transportation
Currently the number of private vehicles already very much and make stuffy. transportation sector accounts for up to 14% of greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere, if we use a public transportation then we reduce greenhouse gas emissions, because in general the vehicle can carry dozens of people, and it is very energy efficient. Compared with private vehicles just as the sedan that only transport a most four people.

3. Don't Use Plastic Bags

In few U.S. State, the affairs of plastic bags even made ​​all the laws. NGOs concerned about the environment to encourage local State governments to ban plastic bags as shopping bags. This plastic is a difficult element to decompose, it took 1,000 years to decipher it in the soil.

4. Efficient Living

Whatever human activities on the earth will have an impact on the earth we live in is. The pattern of energy consumption, environmental patterns and so on. Live as efficiently as possible, use less energy, consume less food, leave a consumptive lifestyle, kind to the environment, to talk a little more thought, and so on.

5. Replace Bulb

Immediately replace your incandescent bulb with fluorescent lamps. The fluorescent lamp requires less energy than incandescent bulbs. Remember every power electrical power you use then you take part electrical energy resources are mostly fossil fuel. Fossil fuels are non-renewable fuels, and within the next ten years of this type of fuel may be discharged.

6. Open The Window

In the U.S., most of the 22.7 tons of CO2 emissions come from homes. Most of the emissions or the waste gas coming from the air conditioner, refrigerator, gas stove or refrigerator. To reduce it when the air conditioning thermostat to regulate the temperature of the outdoor air. Then open the window wide open because of trapped air circulation can consume energy.

7. Buying Local Products

Local products certainly not need a long distribution lines and requires a lot of fuel. This means that reducing emissions of CO2 released transporter cars. Then buy products vegetables or fruits in accordance season. This will save on transportation costs and avoid expensive selling price.

8. Use Organic Fertilizer
Most farmers used fertilizer containing nitrogen, then transformed into N2O effect GHG (Greenhouse Gas) 320 times greater than CO2. If your hobby gardening use an organic fertilizer. Besides safe, inexpensive too.

It is some tips that to do to prevent global warming. Do it even if not everything, but the impact to the environment we now.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

7 Types of Plants That Can Be Used as Natural Deodorants

There are many ways to make the body smell good. In addition to beauty products that can be purchased in stores, we can also take advantage of the herbs around us.
There are few types of plants that have a natural deodorant predicates. These plants till now still used by the people who live in the countryside. This is 7 types of plants that can be used as natural deodorants:

1. Etlingera Elatior
This plant is often used as ornamental flowers. This plant can also be used as extra vegetables when cooking. Diligently consume these plants proved to be beneficial to maintain freshness scent. This is because the active substances contained therein, which sapomin, flavoinoida, and polyphenols. This plant is also rich in vitamins and minerals.

2. Betel Vine Leaf
Betel leaves are known to contain antiseptics and other active substances that are beneficial to cut body odor problem.
How to use:
a. Boil five betel leaves with two glasses of water, wait until the remaining into a glass. Drink while warm once a day until the body odor is gone.
b. Take a taste of betel leaves and then mashed. Mix with a little whiting. Apply the mixture on the underarms.

3. Pluchea Indica Leaf
Pluchea indica leaves, oval, short stalks, and green. The flowers are brownish white. The leaves and flowers contain alkaline substances that act as an antiseptic.
How to use:
a. Pluchea indica leaves eaten fresh as a salad with rice and side dishes.
b. Take a handful of leaves Pluchea indica then boiled in two cups of water. Wait until the remaining into a glass. Drink warm every morning and evening.

4. Ginger
Ginger is known as a traditional medicine that is often used to warm up against wind and nausea due to pregnancy and other causes. Research has shown that ginger contains substances antiviral, antitumor, and anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal properties as well. Both of these latter that causes the ginger can be used to cope with body odor.

5. Wild Ginger
These plants contain saponins, flavoinoida, and volatile oil to remove acne efficacious, refreshing the body, and eliminating body odor.
How to use:
Provide a ginger finger. Washed and cut finely. Boil with a glass of water with acid to taste. Wait until it becomes half cup. Wait until cool and then drink the potion.

6. Basil
The basil was fragrant and flavorful contain active substances that function as an antiseptic. These substances help eradicate the bacteria that cause body odor. Another benefit basil salad is to increase appetite.

7. Lemon
Lime is known to be rich in vitamin C and some minerals compared to other types.
Traditionally, lime has been trusted as a cough medicine over the centuries. In addition to eliminating the fishy odor when washing the dishes and cleaning goods originating from brass metal, lime fruit can also be used to eliminate body odor.
How to use:
Squeeze the lemon two. Take a few whiting and mix with the lemon juice. Apply to underarms to eliminate body odor.

3R (Reuse, Reduce, Recycle) Guide

reuse, reduce, recycle
3R (Reuse, Reduce, Recycle)
3R or Reuse, Reduce, and Recycle is still the best way to manage and deal with the various problems of garbage. Implementation 3R system or reuse, reduce, and recycle into one of waste management solutions in addition to process waste into compost or exploit waste into power source. A waste management system with 3R (Reduce Reuse Recycle) can also be implemented by any people in everyday activities.

3R consists of Reuse, Reduce, and Recycle. Reuse means that to reuse waste that can still be used for the same function or other functions. Reduce means to reduce everything which resulted rubbish. And Recycle means to process returned (Recycled) waste into new products or products that are beneficial.

A waste management system with 3R (Reduce Reuse Recycle) can be done by anyone, at any time (every day), anywhere, and without charge. It takes only a little time and care. This is 3R guide you can do:

Reduce in Everyday Activities:
  • Choose products with packaging that can be recycled.
  • Avoid wearing and buying products that produce large amounts of garbage.
  • Use products that can be recharged (refilled). For example stationery that can be refilled again).
  • Reduce the use of disposable ingredients.
  • To use both sides of paper for writing and photocopying.
  • Avoid buy and wear items that are less necessary.

Reuse in Everyday Activities:
  • Choose the bags or objects that can be used few times or repeatedly. For example, use serviette of cloth of on using tissue, using battery which can be in charge back.
  • Use the empty packaging back to the same function or other functions. For example bottles of a used the drinks used re-become place cooking oil.
  • Use the side of the paper which still a blank for write.
  • Use email (electronic mail) for send letters.
  • Sell ​​or give garbage chosen to the person needed. 

Recycle in Everyday Activities:
  • Choose product and packaging are can be recycled and easy to decompose.
  • Process waste paper into paper or cartons back.
  • Do the processing of organic waste into compost.
  • Do non-organic waste into that are beneficial items.

3R or Reuse, Reduce, and Recycle simple actually can be done by anyone, anywhere, and anytime as well does not need huge costs. But from this simple 3R can give a significant impact on waste management which often become a problem around us. Want to see the impact, just try!

Monday, March 17, 2014

7 Habits That Has Harmful Impacts to The Earth

Leaving The Computer Turns On
Don't Leaving The Computer Turns On
Maybe you've tried to do a lot to protect the earth, for example planting trees, not littering, recycling, etc. However, knowing the activities that could save the world is not enough, you also need to protect the earth from the things that can ruin. This is 7 habits that has harmful impacts to the earth :

1. Using Disposable Chopsticks
Disposable chopsticks are more practical to use. However, the effects of waste that can be given is also very large. Both chopsticks are made ​​of plastic and bamboo, both can damage the earth. Plastic chopsticks contain oil that cannot be easily parsed. Meanwhile, just imagine how much bamboo in China to be cut down to make millions of chopsticks are used once and then discarded.

2. Leaving The Computer Turns On
If you are going to go about a half hour or more, you should just turn off the computer. It is more helpful to actually save energy, because even the screen saver also needs to use energy.

3. Disposing of The Printer Cartridge
Refilling printer ink is more efficient, and more environmentally friendly. It takes 2.5 ounces of oil to make one the printer cartridge, while only five percent recycled cartridges. Wasting a lot of ink cartridges each printer consumable will make billions of hard-decomposed waste.

4. Bought Many Clothes or Denim Pants
Levi's, say they had to use at least 3,000 liters of water to make a pair of jeans. While the average American has seven pairs. However not many people who know and still love denim because it can be combined and match with many clothes. However, since 2011 has been trying to make Levi's jeans by reducing the amount of water they use.

5. Buying Products From Bamboo
Bamboo seen as the right materials to replace timber or cotton. In addition to its antibacterial substances in it, bamboo is also fast growing. However, this is not as good as it looks. Many bamboo to be harvested in order to meet the market demand for products made from bamboo. In addition, it also increased the use of pesticides by the manufacturer to make bamboo grow faster.

6. Bought Canned Vegetables
Using a vegetable that is sold in cans. Maybe this can make the vegetables remain fresh even though already long, but all canned products naturally contain preservatives. Research shows the presence of estrogen preservatives. Compared to buying canned vegetables better to buy frozen vegetables.

7. Using Beauty Products
More than three million tons of beauty treatment products discarded into the water each year. Beauty products contain chemicals that can pollute the water and kill the animals that live in it. It would be better if you use natural beauty products and more environmentally friendly.

That is 7 habits that has harmful impacts to the earth. Immediately reduce the above matters if you want to protect the earth.

7 Tips We Can Do For Pharmaceuticals That Has Been Unused

Maybe we have not realized that dispose drugs into the environment simply turns dangerous as well as dispose toxins. There are certain medications that will break down into toxins, which are harmful not only to the flora and fauna, but also for ourselves.

A few types of drugs such as antibiotic, antiseptic, antiviral, antifungal, etc., if it hits the ground will disturb the balance of micro flora and fauna in the ground because it can kill normal microorganisms. In addition, specific to antibiotics, may cause harmful microorganisms immune to the antibiotics.

In addition, drugs that dumped former will pollute groundwater. Or are discharged into waterways eventually flow into the ocean, endangering fish and other sea creatures that eventually we eat.
So whether the pharmaceuticals should be thrown away?

This is 7 tips we can do for pharmaceuticals that has been unused:

1. Never dispose medicine into the trash, because it may be resold by irresponsible parties and of course very dangerous for the health of others.

2. For vitamins and minerals, can be used as fertilizer. How, when shaped capsule, the capsule contents released. If the form of tablets, destroyed first. Then sprinkle the powdered drug into the plant.

3. For vitamins and minerals liquid can be poured directly into the plant.

4. Collect pharmaceuticals that have been unused. After a bit much, Leave to the pharmacy, hospitals, or drug manufacturer. These parties usually perform routine culling of the stock of medication that is outdated.

5. If the amount tablets / capsules that have expired are of very large quantities, may also be deposited at the a cement factory, to be used as a cement mixture.

6. Don't forget to dispose first drug packaging. For example tore the sticker on the bottle, or it could be cut out packaging box. This is to prevent drug counterfeiting, because it could be the medicine bottle that has a sticker taken and subsequently filled scavenger counterfeit medicines

7. Remaining drug would not be used again but has not expired, may be submitted to the charity held a free medical care. The drug should be still good condition. This means that the tablet / capsule is still in the container (strips, blisters) that has not been opened, while for liquid medicine, unopened bottle cap.

That is 7 tips we can do for pharmaceuticals that has been unused. Useful for other people, and does not endanger the environment of course.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

14 Tips Vacationing Without Damaging The Environment

Not infrequently, the tourist area which previously has stunning scenery, broken by the visit of the traveler who does not care about nature conservation in tourist locations. But, we can prevent it by following these 14 tips:
  1. Avoid using the plane traveling to your destination. Strive to use a bus, trains or ships reduce emissions of CO2 emitted.
  2. Use the local public transportation or rent a bicycle, or on foot to enjoying the beauty and the uniqueness of the area we visit beautiful places including hidden.
  3. Buy food at a local shop or restaurant residents. By buying food at the local shop, we have reduced emissions used to transport food from distant locations as well as contributing directly to local communities. Also usually tableware used at the local shop does not use plastic / Styrofoam.
  4. Acquainted with many people on the travel, one way to be able to share vehicles, bedroom and food. When we share the vehicle then we will save CO2 emissions. While we share a bedroom when we save electricity in use, saving soap to wash bed linens, etc.. While sharing food will avoid wastage because the food does not run out and become useless. In addition, the positive effects from sharing is to save travel costs and certainly adds a lot of friends.
  5. Choose local food and drink. In addition to taste food and drink from their hometown, helping local businesses, and also to reduce the CO2 emissions resulting from imported goods.
  6. Bring own drink bottle that can be refilled. This is to save on the purchase of bottled of water, as well as to reduce waste bottles / boxes of bottled water.
  7. Bring a box of food and a spoon to eat, which can be used when you want to bring snacks to the inn. This is to avoid food packaging such as plastic, or food boxes.
  8. Bring your own shopping bags to reduce plastic waste when shopping on the go.
  9. Try not to leave garbage in the places we visit. For in remote places such as the small island, which has no scavengers or landfill, we recommend organic waste - such as plastic bottles, food packaging, packaging of instant noodles, boxes of food to be taken along to the mainland or to the city to be given to scavengers .
  10. Do not buy souvenirs potentially destructive nature, such as accessories from shellfish, sea turtles, edelweiss flower, etc.
  11. Do not kill or destroy or bring home animals or endangered and protected plants.
  12. Not tasting foods derived from endangered or protected species, such as sea turtle eggs and meat.
  13. Choose a place that offers a service which more 'green' or have environmental programs.
  14. Do not forget the principle, "leave nothing but footprints, take nothing but pictures, kill nothing but time!"
By doing the above tips, you can vacationing with fun without destroying the environment.

Positive Effects Works Because of Office Plants

Office Plants
Office Plants
Putting a green plant in the office, was able to provide a positive effect for the employees.

Employees working in the room with greenery nearby, will be more satisfied with their jobs, compared with those who did not put the plants in his office.

The employees which put the plants in his office, considered himself happier than the employees which do not put the plants in his office.

This is 3 types of plants which suitably placed in the workspace and does not need a much maintenance.

1. Sansevieria
The best type of air filter plant. You can put it anywhere because these plants can grow even if only with light office.

2. Zamia
This plant is very easy to maintain because it does not need too much watering. Zamia roots are capable of storing humidity with excellent. You just need to watering the plants most often twice a week.

3. Neanthe Bella Palm
This type of palm plant can be grown with a bit lighter. It's shape resembles palm tree, but the size is smaller so that fitted to be put on the desk.

You want to get a positive effect also from the plant? Planting and place it in your office.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

How do I invite Loving Environment for Children?

Nature Tourism
Nature Tourism
Invite children to love the environment indirectly has instilled a sense of love and the importance of respecting the environment. Environmentally friendly habits instilled early on is expected to be a child's lifestyle in adulthood. How do I invite loving environment for children? 
Here are 5 simple tips that children love the environment that can be practiced at home.

1. Turn off the TV
TV, game players, and other electronic equipment require large power consumption. Teach your children to turn off and unplug electronic gadgets after using the equipment to teach them energy efficient.
Reduce child activities on such tools. Replace by increasing other activities such as reading, biking, making handicraft, and a variety of outdoor activities that make children stay physically active and exercise their imagination.

2. Saving Water
Teach children to saving water can be implanted by familiarizing turned off the water, or use a glass when you're brushing teeth. So also when bathing children, limit water use.

3. Gardening
Invite children to gardening or maintaining a garden to instill a love of the environment. If you do not have the space to make a garden, try to make a small garden on the porch or terrace with pots though.

4. Recycled Items
Recycle household waste and can be done by getting the little guy. Moreover handling trash without the destruction process (Repurposing) will be good again. How, for example, teach children to donate used items such as books and toys, which are still in good condition, to a neighbor or charity.

5. Nature Tourism
Invite children to nature tourism will be very influential in respect of natural resources and the environment. If because of the limited time that is not possible, do a walk around the house to introduce the beautiful environment that is dirty or otherwise, can be done as often as possible.

4 Tips to Reduce Paper Usage

Average Americans society using paper with considerable amounts. When added up, the average of each person in the United States, have used tree trunks as much as 12,192 feet per year in the form of paper usage.

The development of increasingly advanced technology from era to era, can also help us to be more friendly to the environment around us. The use of soft copy in lieu of paper, directly or indirectly, can help us to prevent environmental damage is more severe than it is today.

Here are 4 tips to reduce paper usage that you can do to preserve the environment by using technology that has been used in everyday life.

1. Scan all of Your Documents
Scan on all of your documents. Make the whole important papers into digital form. In addition to environmentally friendly, you will prevent old documents become damaged or lost.
If you have a multi-function printer machine, then use the scanner function and maximize contained therein. However, if you are working with a solid time and the circulation of the documents are quite a lot, then you can optimize the automatic document feeder.

2. Print The Document Using a PDF
If you want to print something interesting from a site on the Internet, you do not need to spend a lot of paper. Use PDF Printer software that has been widely circulated and can be found easily on the internet.
Too lazy to search for the program? Google Chrome has provided a PDF Printer in one of the menus.

3. Download The Product Manual PDF Format
There have been many companies that switch sides and use the manual books in PDF form. Some gadgets and other technology products, such as digital cameras, television, up to products such as furniture, have been using digital manuals as a replacement hardcopy.
Another advantage of the digital download of the manual from the website of the product you purchased, is more organized storage. You're more likely to find the manual in the file folder ruffled than your bookcase.

4. Digital Signature
Accustomed to sign a lot of hard copy documents, now you can start to apply them to replace the habit with the tablet PC or desktop computer.
But it must be admitted that we still find it difficult to give a signature on soft copy documents in PDF form. You still have to print it first and then scan it back and save it in a folder, or send it via email.
The difficulty it will be slightly reduced. Has many applications that can make you can sign documents electronically, without having to print a hard copy. You can use your finger or use a stylus pen.

Friday, March 14, 2014

9 Green Business Ideas

For those of you who are confused to find profitable business ideas and lasting recession, consider to save energy, preserve the environment or solution to the problem of global warming. It applies to a generation that has the spirit of business. Here are 9 Green Business Ideas:

1. Reduce, Reuse, Recycling
Think about how to recycle your old phones. Create a responsible way dispose of medications in long. Generate energy from materials that you recycle.

2. Continuous Arable Cultivation
Get rid of toxins from harmful artificial chemicals such as pesticides, weed killers, and other products that are found in the use of pesticide spraying on agricultural lands, and reducing dangerous chemicals in food production.

3. Preservation of Wildlife and Natural Resources
Greening back denuded forest areas to improve water quality and restore natural forests. Protect wildlife to restore natural selection and the natural environment.

4. Renewable Energy
Generate renewable energy for our homes, sell renewable energy to the company / corporate and woke up houses with eco-friendly orientation, minimizing the use of fossil fuels, and so on.

5. Alternative Transportation
Can be battery powered electric vehicles are powered wind-powered vehicle to wave, tidal, geothermal, or sunlight across the world.

6. More Efficient Equipment
Generate a home-based technology capable of significantly reducing energy use, such as water heaters, air conditioners are more efficient electrical, temperature control more space-efficient, lighting / lamps, other electrical equipment.

7. Organic Food
This can be done either by small and large business or a small farm, and it helps non-food sources in every region, thereby reducing the use of fuel for transportation.

8. Healthy Fast Food
Visit the fast-food restaurants are healthier than other food choices are more impulsive and less healthy.

9. Environmentally Friendly Building
Construction of homes and offices environmentally friendly, from small things like the selection of paints that are free of chemicals harmful to the environment to great things like the selection and installation of solar panels.

That's 9 Green Business Ideas. There are many programs out there to help companies become more environmentally friendly in a way that is consistent and improve environmental quality.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

7 Tips to Create a Healthy Workplace Environment

Healthy Workplace Environment
For workers, you definitely spend more time in the workplace. Running a environmentally friendly lifestyle in the workplace is one of concern for the environment. This movement you need to apply to save the earth from the ravages of global warming. The following are tips for creating a healthy environment in your workplace:

1. Turn Off The Computer When Not Used
When you are going out for lunch, save energy computer. You can choose the mode of 'sleep' or 'hibernate', which can turn your back on again when you return to the workbench. This will help save energy. Do not forget also to turn off the computer and unplug the power cord when you want to go home.

2. Listen Music With Earphones
If you love to listen to music from your computer, you should use earphones to be more energy efficient than using speakers that emit sound louder. However, the use of earphones should also be restricted by time. Due to the use of earphones that are too long can accumulate bacteria in the ear, in addition to the use of earphones that are too long can also reduce your auditory function, and cause migraines. If you leave the work table, make sure the music is also on the computer is off.

3. Use a Bicycle / Walking to The Office
There is no harm in using a bicycle or walking when to the office when the distance from home is quite close. If you must use a personal vehicle, make sure your vehicle is fuel-efficient and minimal pollution. In addition, a well maintained vehicle can also save fuel.

4. Save Paper and Printer Ink
Each office is generally always use the printer ink to print a wide variety of work documents. When the ink has run out, do not forget to buy ink and toner cartridges are recycled. Before printing, make sure that the document is appropriate that you not to reprint.
When the office is only for internal purposes, use only recycled paper for photocopying purposes, the former envelope, and use pieces of paper instead of notes. If you intend to give notice to other employees, should make use of work email rather than having to copy the sheets of paper announcements to be distributed one by one.

5. Turn Off The Electricity
Do not forget to turn off the electricity in certain spaces that are not always used, for example, warehouse, bathroom, and pantry. If you have a work space that is large enough window, you can use the reflection of sunlight from the window glass as a source of illumination.

6. Set The Room Temperature
The purpose of the Air Conditioning (AC) is to keep the room temperature is conducive to work, but not a few employees who must wear jackets in the air-conditioned room. The lower the temperature of the room, the greater the energy that will be needed. So, adjust the room temperature to suit the convenience of your work.

7. Plant
Try to provide the plants or flowers in pots around the workspace. The plants can also provide oxygen for you and work space. Do not forget to take care and watering.

Take the tips above to realize an environmentally friendly lifestyle. That way you also give good impact to nature.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

6 Benefits of Cycling

Present condition of our earth is getting hotter, shade trees difficult to find areas in big cities. Pollution are also increasingly smothering. Worse venom neurotoxins contained in the form of pollution can cause birth defects in the womb, uterine cancer, damage the brain growth of children, attacks the nerves, disrupting the function of the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, nervous system adolescents, decrease fertility, spontaneous abortion and causes of stress and crazy . Contribution of motor vehicle exhaust gas as a source of air pollution is the most high, reaching 60-70%.

Cycling and benefits on quality of life.

Better conditions for cycling activities have benefits that can not be separated on quality of life in big cities. The number of people cycling can be a good indicator of the age of life expectancy. As we know the high life expectancy is a factor that affects the interests of business and job seekers, and no less important will also attract tourists.

Leisure cycling and integrated to provide an alternative route other than the use of private vehicles (motor) and will increase social contact with others. With the availability of facilities and pedestrian bike path, people will interact with each other and strengthen relationships among neighbors. If this is all achieved, then there will be a community that people are healthy and have good social identity.

The benefits of cycling to yourself :

1. Burn Calories
Cycling can be one of the programs to reduce weight and maintain fitness. Just a few minutes bike ride from home to our destination 4-5 times a week, can reduce weight around 5-6 pounds in a year. It is suitable for you who want to lose weight, but have not gotten the right way.

2. Reduce Stress
Cycling provides a profound effect on the feelings and moods. Cycling can reduce stress, improve mood, alleviate depression, and self-motivation. For example with cycling we can think about a lot of things, planning something or interact with their surroundings.

3. Make Excited
Cycling provides a positive effect on our mood and feelings. Cycling can reduce depression, strees, improve mood and motivate ourselves. As an example we can see the cycling environment more closely, socializing with the environment, enjoy the scenery and fresh air. The bonus of all is health.

4. Losing Weight
Only a 15 minute bike ride from home to our office 5-6 times a week, we have managed to reduce our weight 11 pounds in one year.

5. Benefits to the Liver and Heart
Cycling and reduce the risk of heart attack, high blood pressure, and diabetes, that's why cycling is one of the means to live a healthy life. The results mentioned cycling short distances and is often done to reduce the mortality of approximately 22%.

6. Health
With cycling routine every day, will train our breath to breathe more qualified than those who did not have a hobby of cycling. Cycling is more effective than aerobic exercise, and certainly more exciting because we can see the surrounding environment.

Very many benefits of cycling for health. In addition to maintaining health, with cycling at the same time we can sustain the environment and our beloved earth.
Let Cycling ...!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Minimize The Use of Plastic and Reducing Plastic Waste

plastic bottles - one types of plastic
Plastic Bottles - One Types of Plastic

Plastic is a material which widely used by humans, such as for packaging, plastic bags, straws, coating materials, toys, household appliances and utensils, school supplies, and so on. Most of the household items which we use everyday are made of plastic. The rapid development of the plastics industry and technology make our lives easier and more practical.

Plastic and all kinds of goods are made of very hard plastic for recycling. Plastic and plastics products will be broken down or destroyed on the ground in a period of approximately 200-1000 years later. When burned, plastic will result in toxic chemicals that cause various diseases such as clogging of the airways, lung cancer, impaired fertility and so on.

Accordingly, we expected to be more careful and be more efficient in the use of plastic goods. The things we can do to minimize the use of plastic and reducing plastic waste are as follows:

1. Utilizing items made ​​from used plastic for a variety of craft items made ​​or used in other forms such as wallets, bags and other.

2. Use and take advantage of cloth bags shopping bags to reduce plastic bag shopping bag.

3. Develop a plastic product which durable so that it's use can last longer.

4. Develop technologies or innovations substitute plastic or recycling plastic.