Showing posts with label Education. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Education. Show all posts

Friday, March 21, 2014

This is Hazards Throw away Used Batteries!


What did you do to the used batteries? Almost all will answer, throw it into the trash. Used batteries are hazardous waste so that they should not be thrown away carelessly.

All types of used batteries such as batteries in the remote, toys, watches, cell phones, digital cameras and batteries that can be charged (rechargeable) including hazardous material.

When a carelessly discarded or not recycled, the content of heavy metals and other hazardous substances that exist in the battery can pollute water and soil, which ultimately harm the human body.

Why used batteries should not be thrown away carelessly?

Batteries contain various heavy metals such as mercury, manganese, of lead, nickel, lithium and cadmium.

If the battery is carelessly discarded the heavy metals contained in them will pollute groundwater and endangering the health of the population.

If the water is contaminated with heavy metals used by society can lead to chronic illness that will cause interference in the central nervous system, kidneys, reproductive system, and even the cancer.

The effect is long-term effects. And usually people would be more concerned if it appears that the effect in the short term.

How to manage waste used batteries?

Supposedly used battery waste is managed specifically and separately from other waste.

Existing technology is hazardous waste will be dumped in the soil that already has other chemicals to be neutralized and destroyed so as not to pollute the environment.

To address this waste should be aware of all the first, either from the public, waste management and also because of the government's complex problems. Usually the only people who really aware of that does this.

What are the dangers of used batteries?

Waste batteries not only cause pollution but also endangering natural resources it has heavy metals and corrosive electrolyte into the battery power source, such as lead, mercury, nickel, cadmium, lithium, silver, zinc and manganese

Under the action of microorganisms, inorganic mercury can be transformed into methylmercury, fish congregate in the body which are then consumed by humans. Methylmercury can enter brain cells and have serious consequences such as damage to the nervous system that can make people become crazy, or even cause death.

While cadmium batteries can contaminate the soil and water, which eventually enter the human body causing liver and kidney damage, can also cause soft bones or heavy bone defects.

Additionally, cadmium can cause chronic poisoning and a reason causing emphysema (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease that involves damage to the air sacs in the lungs), osteomalacia (softening of the bones), anemia (lack of blood), also making paralysis in the human body.

Excretion of lead is also the most difficult in the human body and can impair kidney function and reproductive function.

If the battery waste mixed with other solid wastes, from time to time malicious content in it can contaminate water and soil, which then threatened the lives of fish, plants, environmental destruction and indirectly threaten human health.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

5 Reasons to Reduce Drinking of Water Packaging

bottled water
Bottled Water
Bottled water is healthy water - as it says marketers have us to believe. You try to look at the labels or advertising of drinking water: from a pure source, coming from the mountains, healthy and safe. Showing people who are healthy and actively drinking when cycling in the park and on the way to the yoga studio.

In fact, bottled water is just bottled water. But this fact does not only make people stop to buy it. It is estimated that various parts of the world, sales between $ 50 and $ 100 billion per year by expanding the market by the beginning of an annual rate of 7%.

Bottled water is big business, but in terms of sustainability, bottled water in the bottle is dry wells. Besides expensive, end up being garbage and divert attention from the real health issues: construction and maintenace of the city water system safe. Here is a list of solid reasons to avoid drinking bottled water bottles.

1. Bottled Water Value is Not Worth
Consider another comparison fluid sold in the market, such as gasoline. Fuel to be pumped out of the ground in the form of crude oil delivered to the oil refinery (as big half-way around the world) and then sent back to the charging station.

In the U.S., the price of water per gallon averaging around $ 3. There are 128 ounces in a gallon, which is now at the price of a faction of more than 2 cents per ounce. In terms of price versus production cost, bottled water is much more profitable than oil.

2. No More Healthy Than Regular Drinking Water
In theory, bottled water in the U.S. are within the authority of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). In practice, about 70% of water bottles never crosses state lines for sale, making it exempt from FDA oversight.

In the U.S., the city was under water Environmental Protection Agency and regularly checked for bacteria and toxic chemicals. If you want to know the quality of the water, in the U.S. can check the agency's website.

While some segments of society in the United States says that many municipal water systems are old and there are still hundreds of chemical contaminants that no standards have been set, but the empirical evidence that very little to suggest that bottled water is cleaner or better than regular water.

3. Water Bottles Means Making Garbage
Bottled water produces 1.5 million plastic waste per year. Based on the Food and Water Watch, plastic needed to make up to 47 million gallons of oil per year and the plastic used to wrap high quality drinks and high demand from collectors, while more than 80% of the plastic bottles thrown away.

So we can assumed that the empty bottle is equal to the waste or garbage cans. Plastic waste is now located on a very large volume and swirling major oceans in the world. It shows that using large risk to the life of the ocean, killing birds and fish as one of the up as food. Coupled with a very slow decomposition of waste (estimated at up to 500 years), most of the garbage that has ever been produced in the past still exist today-but it is not known or not detectable exactly where.

4. Bottled Water Means Less Attention to Public Water Systems
Bottled water packaging is considered more practical and much safer quality. One time the public is directed to an easy solution to this ongoing but it will be difficult to convince to invest more for upgraded public water system or add what is lacking in the system.

Actually a lot of requests for a public water system upgrade for the better. For example, in California, USA, American Society of Civil Engineers estimates it needs $ 17.5 million grant to improve water infrastructure in 2005. In the same year, the state lost 222 million gallons of drinking water due to leaking pipes.

5. Corporate Water
In the documentary film Thirst, authors Alan Snitow and Deborah Kaufman demonstrated the rapid worldwide privatization of municipal water supplies, and their effect on the local economy.

Water is referred to as "Blue Gold" of the 21st century. It is contributed to and caused by the increase of urbanization and population, shifting climates and industrial pollution, fresh water became the most valuable resource.

Multinational companies stepped in to buy the land and distribution rights wherever they can, and the bottled water industry is a vital part and commodity for many people. It must be remembered that water is a basic human right: the right of access to safe and affordable water.

What could be you do?
There is an easier alternative than water bottles: buy a place to drink thermos stainless steel and use in everyday life. If you did not set like the taste of the water in your area, buy a carbon filter. Not only make the water taste fresher also an effective way to change the taste of water.

10 Of The Most Vital Rivers for Survival in the World!

Yangtze River
Yangtze River
River is one part of the hydrological cycle. The water in the river is generally collected from precipitation, such as rain, dew, springs, underground runoff, and in certain countries the river water also comes from melting ice / snow. In addition to water, river sediment and pollutants flowing well.

This is 10 of the most vital rivers for survival in the world :

1. Yangtze River - China
Yangtze River the heart earth to China. Father of modern China, Dr. Sun Yat-sen, sparking dreams tame rivers around the Three Gorges of the Yangtze to simultaneously take advantage of the first power plant. The idea of ​​Sun Yat-sen to stem Yangtze River, intended for flood control Yangtze River to the annual flooding prevented and controlled. Security of shipping and give power and controlled water flow to northern China each year water shortages Chang-jiang-meaning Long River, residents along the Yangtze familiar appellation, historically geographically divide 6,300 miles of rivers mountains snow Geladandong sources, Tibet Autonomous Region, to the city of Shanghai, China, to the north and south.

Not wrong for ambitious projects in the world's largest dam is a masterpiece of Chinese engineers. Especially considering its development fund, 90 percent financed by China.
Three Gorges is hinting on behalf of the three valleys (Qutang, Wuxia and Xiling) who became the dam reservoir, it is truly gigantic. Its construction should move 1.3 million residents, dredge about 134 million cubic meters of soil, need 28 million cubic meters of concrete and 463 thousand tons of steel, equal steel needed to build 63 Eiffel Tower. The length of the dam reservoir reached 600 km and can accommodate 39.3 cubic km of water of the Yangtze river. The total power generation capacity reached 22,500 MW to about 84.7 TWh of electricity supply.

This dam has a 5-shiplocks flight that can accommodate six vessels of 10,000 tons and a weight of one-step vertical shiplift which can accommodate vessels of 3,000 tons of surface 62 meters to 175 meters of surface water dam in quick time. The ship then went on a cruise to Chongqing, faster than shiplocks which takes four to five hours.

2. Mekong River - Arterial Southeast AsiaMekong is one of the major rivers in the world. Mekong is the longest river 12th in the world, and 10th largest in terms of volume (release 475km ³ of water annually), mekong fill an area of ​​795,000 km ² of Tibet, flows through China's Yunnan province, Burma, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam . All except China and Myanmar enter into the Mekong River Commission. Due to the very different seasonal variations in flow and the presence of "rapid" and waterfalls make navigation very difficult. The Mekong River is inseparable from the history of nations, especially in Southeast Asia.

3. Ganges River - India
Ganges river in northern India and by officials and by the Indian government as a national river Bharat. In Hinduism, Ganges is also worshiped as a river dewi.Sungai is sacred to the Hindu religion.
River Ganges is an economically important waters in India, but is better known for its religious significance. City of Varanasi, on the edge of rivers, is estimated to be the of the most important cities in Hinduism. Many believe that their life is not complete unless they bathe in the Ganges at least once in their lifetime, because it will cleanse the soul of all sin.

4. Volga River and Lena River - Europe and Russia
Volga is the longest river in Europe. This river flows into the western part of Russia, and is widely viewed as the national rivers of Russia. Eleven of the twenty largest cities of Russia, including the capital, Moscow, is located on the edge of the Volga rivers.
Lena River is the largest river in the world to-10. The river is located in Siberia. Length of 4,400 km (2,734 miles). This river comes down from the Arctic Sea to the Baikal Mountains.

5. Danube River - Europe
This river is the only major European rivers that flows from west to east. Its source is in Germany in the Black Forest (Schwarzwald). The length of this river is about 2,850 km, towards the Black Sea in Romania, located in the Danube delta.
Because wide and deep, the Danube is used for freighter traffic is important. On the upstream side, in the region of Germany, has constructed the canal that connects to the Rhine via the Main River.
Overall there are ten countries in its path: Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Germany, Hungary, Moldova, Slovakia, Romania, Ukraine, Serbia and Montenegro, and has tributaries in seven other countries.

6. Amazon River and Rio River - South America and Uruguay
The Amazon River is rivers in South America the second longest river in dunia.Amazon also has the largest drainage system of the entire rivers system. Although the longest river Nile, but Amazon could be considered "the strongest" (seen from the amount of water flowing per second).
The amount of fresh water being released into the Atlantic Ocean is enormous: 184 000 m³ per second (6.5 million feet ³) in the rainy season. Amazon flow is one-fifth of the total fresh water entering the sea around the world. The water in the sea near the rivers has a low salt content up to hundreds of miles away.
The main river (usually having one to six miles wide) can be passed to a large ocean steamers to Manaus, nearly 800 miles upstream from the rivers mouth.

7. Nile River, Niger River, Senegal River - Africa
Nile River is a major transportation artery in northeastern Africa. In addition, a fertile strip along the edge is only capable of some agricultural land in the region.
Niger River is an important source of water in the deserts of North Africa. Stretches of the river in the western part of the continent and is the easiest way to travel through the area.
Senegal River is important for the same reasons as the other two rivers over North Africa. Mali, Guinea, Mauritania and Senegal have joined forces to create an organization that oversees and cares for the watershed that flows through all four states

8. Mississippi River - United States
Mississippi River, rivers in the United States. Is one of the longest rivers in the world and is the second longest river in the United States. Has a length of 3,734 km (2,320 mi) and sourced at Lake Itasca in Minnesota and led to the Gulf Meksiko.Mississippi has become incredibly important in U.S. history. The first time the United States became a country, the Mississippi River is the western border of the U.S.. In U.S. history, the Mississippi has become very important for the transport of water.

9. Rio Grande River - United States
The Rio Grande (known in Mexico as the Río Bravo del Norte, or simply Río Bravo) is a rivers that forms part of the Mexico - United States border. It is the fourth longest river system in North America. The river serves as the natural border between the U.S. states of Texas and the Mexican states of Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo León, and Tamaulipas.

10. Murray River
River Murray in South Australia is Australia's longest rivers. Murray River (and associated tributaries) support a variety of unique rivers life adapted to its vagaries. Murray River (and associated tributaries) support a variety of unique rivers life adapted to its vagaries. This river covers various native fish such as Murray cod, trout cod.

10 Ornamental Plants to Absorbing Pollutants

spider plants
Spider Plants
Most people do not understand why they feel sick. They may not know that in the house, various toxins comes at all times: toluene, xylene, ethyl acetate, methylene, acetone and chloroform. Three other toxins even a major threat: benzene, trichlorethylene and formaldehyde which can lead to serious health problems, such as asthma, cancer and allergies.

NASA scientists and Associated Landscape Contractors of America (ALCA) have discovered that there are a variety of ornamental plants that can make the air clean, pure and balanced. These plants not only absorb pollutants, but also get rid of noxious gases from the air. How, incredible, right?

What are and how the shape of the plants are very useful against these pollutants, let's look together

1. Spider Plant
Spider plant is a plant that grows quickly. This plant is great for removing toxic gases and other pollutants, such as formaldehyde and xylene. To get a better effect, this plant should be put in the kitchen, near a fireplace or in places where carbon monoxide accumulates.

2. Boston Ferns
Exotic plants with leaves elegant curved and frayed. Boston ferns act as a natural humidifier. Boston fern will grow better if it were on the conditioned place humid. By releasing humidity into the air, they remove air pollutants such as benzene, formaldehyde and xylene. Also of course also give clean air in the house.

3. English Ivy
Although the leaves are toxic, English Ivy is a very popular houseplant and is best suited for patients asthma and allergies. Easily to grow in bright sunlight, these plants have the a remarkable ability to remove benzene, formaldehyde and a variety of toxic chemicals released by synthetic materials.

4.  Areca Palm
This plant is very sensitive and known as a humidifier. Although these plants grow slowly and must maintenance all year, but this plant can be stored anywhere, especially beside the newly polished furniture or carpeted room. This plant helps neutralize deadly poison, such as formaldehyde and xylene.

5. Golden Pothos
Also known as Devil's Ivy or Silver Vine, Golden Pothos is a very invasive plant. With green leaves and stems are progressive, this plant can be creeping surrounding area. This plant is very efficient in removing indoor pollutants such as formaldehyde, benzene and xylene. But be careful, because these plants are poisonous to dogs, cats, even children.

6. Aloe Vera
We all know that aloe vera is presented in many skin care products. Not only useful for the skin, this plant is also able to filter out harmful emissions of toxic materials.

7. Chinese Evergreen
As plants are very good air purifier, Chinese Evergreen is a plant perennial herb. This plant will grow better with less water and least light. This plant can filter the air toxics such as benzene and formaldehyde.

8. Snake Plant
Mostly used as an ornamental plant, this plant is an evergreen perennial plant that is tolerant of the lack of water and rain. Scientists find evidence that this plant has a a remarkable ability to absorb formaldehyde, nitrogen oxides and various other chemicals present in the air. One adult plant leaf 4/5 strands can refresh the air in an area of ​​20 square meters.

9. Marginata
One can not ignore the beauty Marginata, plants that have thin leaves sparkling with red edges. Not only removes formaldehyde and benzene from the air, the plant is also capable of other toxins present in the air. But, proper maintenance should be taken when placing the plants in the house because it can be toxic to your dogs.

10. Peace Lily
Peace lily known for being able to cut indoor toxins that can cause cancer. Peace lily is very good at cleaning the air. Helps drop benzene and formaldehyde. No doubt this plant is recommended for a home that meets the term "Sick Building Syndrome"

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

3R (Reuse, Reduce, Recycle) Guide

reuse, reduce, recycle
3R (Reuse, Reduce, Recycle)
3R or Reuse, Reduce, and Recycle is still the best way to manage and deal with the various problems of garbage. Implementation 3R system or reuse, reduce, and recycle into one of waste management solutions in addition to process waste into compost or exploit waste into power source. A waste management system with 3R (Reduce Reuse Recycle) can also be implemented by any people in everyday activities.

3R consists of Reuse, Reduce, and Recycle. Reuse means that to reuse waste that can still be used for the same function or other functions. Reduce means to reduce everything which resulted rubbish. And Recycle means to process returned (Recycled) waste into new products or products that are beneficial.

A waste management system with 3R (Reduce Reuse Recycle) can be done by anyone, at any time (every day), anywhere, and without charge. It takes only a little time and care. This is 3R guide you can do:

Reduce in Everyday Activities:
  • Choose products with packaging that can be recycled.
  • Avoid wearing and buying products that produce large amounts of garbage.
  • Use products that can be recharged (refilled). For example stationery that can be refilled again).
  • Reduce the use of disposable ingredients.
  • To use both sides of paper for writing and photocopying.
  • Avoid buy and wear items that are less necessary.

Reuse in Everyday Activities:
  • Choose the bags or objects that can be used few times or repeatedly. For example, use serviette of cloth of on using tissue, using battery which can be in charge back.
  • Use the empty packaging back to the same function or other functions. For example bottles of a used the drinks used re-become place cooking oil.
  • Use the side of the paper which still a blank for write.
  • Use email (electronic mail) for send letters.
  • Sell ​​or give garbage chosen to the person needed. 

Recycle in Everyday Activities:
  • Choose product and packaging are can be recycled and easy to decompose.
  • Process waste paper into paper or cartons back.
  • Do the processing of organic waste into compost.
  • Do non-organic waste into that are beneficial items.

3R or Reuse, Reduce, and Recycle simple actually can be done by anyone, anywhere, and anytime as well does not need huge costs. But from this simple 3R can give a significant impact on waste management which often become a problem around us. Want to see the impact, just try!

Monday, March 17, 2014

7 Tips We Can Do For Pharmaceuticals That Has Been Unused

Maybe we have not realized that dispose drugs into the environment simply turns dangerous as well as dispose toxins. There are certain medications that will break down into toxins, which are harmful not only to the flora and fauna, but also for ourselves.

A few types of drugs such as antibiotic, antiseptic, antiviral, antifungal, etc., if it hits the ground will disturb the balance of micro flora and fauna in the ground because it can kill normal microorganisms. In addition, specific to antibiotics, may cause harmful microorganisms immune to the antibiotics.

In addition, drugs that dumped former will pollute groundwater. Or are discharged into waterways eventually flow into the ocean, endangering fish and other sea creatures that eventually we eat.
So whether the pharmaceuticals should be thrown away?

This is 7 tips we can do for pharmaceuticals that has been unused:

1. Never dispose medicine into the trash, because it may be resold by irresponsible parties and of course very dangerous for the health of others.

2. For vitamins and minerals, can be used as fertilizer. How, when shaped capsule, the capsule contents released. If the form of tablets, destroyed first. Then sprinkle the powdered drug into the plant.

3. For vitamins and minerals liquid can be poured directly into the plant.

4. Collect pharmaceuticals that have been unused. After a bit much, Leave to the pharmacy, hospitals, or drug manufacturer. These parties usually perform routine culling of the stock of medication that is outdated.

5. If the amount tablets / capsules that have expired are of very large quantities, may also be deposited at the a cement factory, to be used as a cement mixture.

6. Don't forget to dispose first drug packaging. For example tore the sticker on the bottle, or it could be cut out packaging box. This is to prevent drug counterfeiting, because it could be the medicine bottle that has a sticker taken and subsequently filled scavenger counterfeit medicines

7. Remaining drug would not be used again but has not expired, may be submitted to the charity held a free medical care. The drug should be still good condition. This means that the tablet / capsule is still in the container (strips, blisters) that has not been opened, while for liquid medicine, unopened bottle cap.

That is 7 tips we can do for pharmaceuticals that has been unused. Useful for other people, and does not endanger the environment of course.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Benefits of Water Hyacinth Plants

Water Hyacinth
Water Hyacinth
A water hyacinth plant previously regarded as harmful to the environment because it grows wild in swamps, lakes, rivers, sewers and other puddles. Because it is easy to grow and adapt it, water hyacinth in a short time is able to cover the surface of a river or lake that is very disrupt views.

In any case water hyacinth has benefits for medical science, export opportunities and business arena.

1. The leaf can be used for animal feed ingredients
2. The fiber can be used for handicraft materials
3. The stems can be used for flower arrangements buffer.

Water hyacinth plants also have important chemical compounds that can cure various diseases. At the root contained sulfates and phosphate compounds. The leaves are rich in compound carotene and the flowers containing delphinidin-3-glucoside. With the entire content of existing chemicals, the water hyacinth can cure throat feels hot, urine is not smooth, urticaria, and boils.

That is the benefits of water hyacinth plants.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Global Warming Trigger Earthquakes & Mountains Erupts

Mountains Erupts
Mountains Erupts
Glacier. Glacier ice is the mass concentration of enormous, weighing billions of tons and lead to 'pressure' on the structure of the layers of the earth. There are about 100,000 glaciers collection on earth, are generally concentrated around the Arctic (North Pole), Antarctica (South Pole) and in some highland areas where ice may form.

  • Tectonics and Seismic Activity (Rebounding Crust / bouncing layers of the earth's crust effects). Global warming increases the rate of melting of glacial ice on earth. Because of the characteristics of a very massive ice mass and weight, melting of glacial ice means a lessening of pressure on the structure of the crust layer. "Loosening" of pressure caused a redistribution of 'pressure' or 'severe'. Process of redistribution of weight / pressure (because the location of the glacier in large numbers scattered around the Arctic region and South) triggered seismic movements, both deep in the structure of the earth's crust and around the surface. seismic movement that triggered the movement of tectonic plates resulting in tremors, Trembling or EARTHQUAKE.
    An analogy: imagine we tapping the ball at the feet of a point with his thumb, then we release. Pressure to the formed surface will gradually be separated so that the ball will return to the starting position. If the ball of the foot is like the earth, the pressure release process runs very slowly but surely. Due to the characteristics of the earth's geological structure, the back pressure that triggers the release of seismic waves.
  • Volcanic activity
    The strengthening effects of water mass
    Global warming increases the rate of ice melt. Where did the water? Only one answer: the ocean. The volume of ocean water and expanded coverage due to melting ice - also means a threat to the big cities that are not far from the coastline will be inundated even drowning. The average warming of atmospheric temperatures also raises the average temperature of the seas and oceans, so the growing mass of water (thermal expansion). This combination increases the strength of the pressure on the fault (fault) tectonic plates that are in the vicinity. This pressure is theorized trigger the movement of magma from inside to out and eruption.
What Should We Do

Mitigation: Participate reduce 'Greenhouse Gas Emissions'
  1. Find out the sources of "Greenhouse Gas Emissions" of what, in the neighborhood or community
  2. Find out the steps to help reduce "Greenhouse Gas Emission"
  3. Actively participate in the activities of "Go Green, Save Earth, 3R".
Adaptation: Mental Preparation face conditions related to Climate Change and Disaster arising
  1. Understand what the risks of climate change on our.
  2. Find out our weak points and their sources.
  3. Minimize risk by adapting.
  4. Preparedness Action Plan to deal with emergency situations (natural disasters) on climate change.

9 Green Business Ideas

For those of you who are confused to find profitable business ideas and lasting recession, consider to save energy, preserve the environment or solution to the problem of global warming. It applies to a generation that has the spirit of business. Here are 9 Green Business Ideas:

1. Reduce, Reuse, Recycling
Think about how to recycle your old phones. Create a responsible way dispose of medications in long. Generate energy from materials that you recycle.

2. Continuous Arable Cultivation
Get rid of toxins from harmful artificial chemicals such as pesticides, weed killers, and other products that are found in the use of pesticide spraying on agricultural lands, and reducing dangerous chemicals in food production.

3. Preservation of Wildlife and Natural Resources
Greening back denuded forest areas to improve water quality and restore natural forests. Protect wildlife to restore natural selection and the natural environment.

4. Renewable Energy
Generate renewable energy for our homes, sell renewable energy to the company / corporate and woke up houses with eco-friendly orientation, minimizing the use of fossil fuels, and so on.

5. Alternative Transportation
Can be battery powered electric vehicles are powered wind-powered vehicle to wave, tidal, geothermal, or sunlight across the world.

6. More Efficient Equipment
Generate a home-based technology capable of significantly reducing energy use, such as water heaters, air conditioners are more efficient electrical, temperature control more space-efficient, lighting / lamps, other electrical equipment.

7. Organic Food
This can be done either by small and large business or a small farm, and it helps non-food sources in every region, thereby reducing the use of fuel for transportation.

8. Healthy Fast Food
Visit the fast-food restaurants are healthier than other food choices are more impulsive and less healthy.

9. Environmentally Friendly Building
Construction of homes and offices environmentally friendly, from small things like the selection of paints that are free of chemicals harmful to the environment to great things like the selection and installation of solar panels.

That's 9 Green Business Ideas. There are many programs out there to help companies become more environmentally friendly in a way that is consistent and improve environmental quality.

8 Animals Capable to Help Conserve the Environment

Apparently, the animal has the privilege that is capable of protecting the environment. What are these animals and how the animals protecting the environment. This is 8 animals capable to help conserve the environment:

1. Ball Python
Ball Python
Ball Python
Ball Python animals can be found in Africa, they are among other foods rats and other rodents. These animals help curb the increasing rat population is beneficial to the ecosystem. It turns out that the presence of these snakes can help reduce the population of other rodents.

2. Woodpecker
Trees are central to the needs of woodpecker habitat. The tree is a place where they dig holes to nest or to roost for the night, and where they spend a lot of time searching for insect grubs living under the bark of trees. These birds like to eat a lot of insects and termites, so that the population of these pests can be controlled.

3. Fennec Fox
Fennec Fox
Fennec Fox
Fennec Fox has a remarkable hearing that that help them locate their prey hiding under the ground, namely rodents. The rodent population increases very dangerous for plantation crops. The existence of this wolf population balances these pests. But unfortunately, many animals that have lost their natural habitat and are victims of poaching by humans. Though these animals do not harm humans.

4. African Grey Parrot
African Grey Parrot
African Grey Parrot
This bird is a "good friend" for tropical forests, because they are the one who sowed the seeds and seedlings of trees in the forest. They also feed on nectar, so it helps all the pollination process a wide variety of plants in the forest. They have a high level of intelligence as well as chimpanzees and dolphins, unlike other birds.

5. Lemur
The ring-tailed creature is an animal that is "eco-friendly", and comes from Madagascar. Just as African Grey Parrot, lemurs also eat tropical fruits, thus indirectly also sowing seeds of trees in the forest. It is very useful for the forests of Madagascar who have lost more than 80% of its forests due to illegal logging and human agriculture.

6. White Sharks
White Sharks
White Sharks
The white shark is a big shark that is in the coastal waters around the main ocean surface. The great white shark is known for its size, with the largest individuals approached or exceeded 6 meters (20 feet) in length, and weighs 2,268 kg. This type of shark reaches maturity at the age of 15 years has been, and can live for about 30 years. Known white shark is very fierce. However, these animals have an important role in maintaining the marine ecosystem, they eat marine animals that harm, and that can damage the marine food chain rotation.

7. Earthworm
Earthworms can help treat kitchen waste into compost good for plants. Earthworms are able to transform organic matter into edible dirt (castings) and urine (worm tea). The content of urea in the urine worm is a good natural fertilizer. Moreover worm droppings containing nitrogen, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, and calcium are essential for plant growth. Earthworm body consisting of 70% protein is a highly nutritious food source for livestock and pet animals such as chickens, ducks, fish, eels, and birds. Activities undertaken dig earthworms were able to create a natural drainage system, increasing the amount of air and water in the soil so that the soil becomes more friable and better for planting all kinds of crops.

8. Dung Beetle
Dung Beetle
Dung Beetle
This one beetle plays a very crucial role in the agricultural world, because they like to bury and consume dirt. This is in addition to increasing the turnover of nutrients in the soil, but also "save our livestock", because it can reduce the impact of the spread of disease through animal waste. It does the job but look at the benefits that disgusting.

That's 8 animals capable to help conserve the environment. Animals are should protect and preserve. Similarly, the way they are supposed to preserve the environment we as humans can be more feasible to preserve the environment.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

3 Water-Absorbing Plants for Your Garden

Many functions of plants grown in the house, one of which is too green and decorate the yard. Choice of plants well adapted to the conditions of the region. Factors also affect the level of rainfall in choosing plants that will be planted in the yard. There is one other function of the crop to be grown in your home, which is a water absorbent. Here are 3 water-absorbing plants for your garden :

1. Vetiver Grass
Vetiver Grass
Vetiver Grass

Vetiver grass can grow in all types of soil. Remarkably 1-1.5 meters tall grass roots three feet that have high absorption. It seemed difficult to spare land for growing grass at home to remind flow of water in the house.

2. Bamboo

Bamboo plants can absorb 90 percent of rain water, 10 percent evaporates. Imagine if your yard planted bamboo, the amount of water that is absorbed into the soil and be absorbed into the abundant source of water. After two years of planting bamboo, water discharge in the well will rise.

3. Teak Tree
Teak Tree
Teak Tree

For those of you who have a spacious yard, teak tree can be a source of abundant water. Although the dry season, teak tree is a bit deceiving, he molt but still absorb water. If the teak tree trunk is cut, it will grow new shoots. In addition to absorbing water, the other benefits of teak trees in between the leaves that can be used to wrap food.

That's 3 plants that have a function as a water absorbent. You can choose the plants that you will plant by adjusting the conditions around you and the wide area of your garden.


6 Animals Which Use The Concept of Reuse

Most of the animals live in balance with their natural environment. They just take only what is needed, and maybe throw a little bit. But some animals also know how making use of waste, especially the rest of the rest of the trash we leave behind. This is 6 animals which use the concept of recycling :

1. Weaver Spider
Weaver Spider
Weaver Spider
Species Cyclosa ginnaga, decorate webs with any debris that may be found, such as leaves and twigs. Although the main purpose of decorating a little creepy (for lure in prey, or to hide the webbing), many weaver spiders build their nests every day, so they are always busy recycling. This helps keep their nets and their surroundings clean!

2. Hermit Crabs
Hermit Crabs
Hermit Crabs
Hermit crabs do not grow their own shells, so to protect themselves they must save the shells left by other marine life, usually from sea snails. And sometimes they would use whatever they could find, such as glass bottles, cans. As the growth of their bodies, they must find new, more suitable shells. In this way, the cute crustacean shells continue to recycle them.

3. Bird
Some bird species have adapted to urban life on the human environment by building their nests with whatever is available, which often includes discarded items such as clips, paper, yarn and other. Bowerbirds from New Guinea and Australia, build elaborate nests and striking the eye in order to attract a mate, would often gather colorful trash (such as bottle caps and plastic). In other words, recycling is considered sexy for the birds! Of course, like pigeons and seagulls also take advantage of all the food scraps left by the people, eating what they could.

4. Dung Beetle
Dung Beetle
Dung Beetle
It's a dirty job, but someone has to do it. Yes, even the dirt is too valuable to be left in vain, and no animal may understand this better than dung beetles. These insects live to collect and use the dirt to build their homes, eat and lay eggs in it.

5. Octopus
Octopus is probably the most intelligent invertebrates on this planet, especially their ingenuity in the use of tools. Some species, such as octopus veins, have been shown to build a hideout from discarded debris found lying around, from cracked coconut shells, sea shells left behind, glass bottles and other packaging discarded as trash.

6. Coral
It has been estimated that 75 percent of all coral reefs worldwide are threatened, but there are also reasons to hope. Although the They are very sensitive to changes in their environment, these animals are also very adaptable and they are willing to attach themselves to almost any hard surface that was around them. These include shipwrecks, underwater pipelines and even oil rigs. By recycling the rubble on the sea floor, they also provide habitat for other species that rely on countless coral reef ecology to survive.


Wednesday, March 12, 2014

8 Types Useful Plants in Home Environment


The function of the plant not only meets the elements of beauty. Moreover, the plant is also useful for environmental cleanliness. Its application is also not difficult, because it does not have to qualify vast land. In a medium pot for a small land, this function can be fulfilled. Well, if you are still confused right types of plants that grow around the house, following eight types of reference plants for you in terms of the benefits:

1. Absorbent Pollutants
For plants that you need to absorb pollutants, you can plant Sansevieria, Philodendron, Ivy, Chrysanthemum, and Banyan.

2. Silencer
To muffle the noise, you can use the plant as Bamboo Japanese or Ficus pumila. This type of plant is suitable as an ornamental hedge or in the yard and the terrace.

3. Deodorizer
Plant deodorizer you can get from Tuberose, Kua Hua (Osmanthus Fragrans), and Cestrum.

4. Spice
To spice plants, you can plant Turmeric, Galingale, Ginger, Cinnamon, or Pepper.

5. Shade
As a primary function, you can get the plant shade of Cherry Trees. In addition to maintaining solid ground, this plant becomes conditioning from the heat of the sun and weather.

6. Insect Repellent
To repel insects, you can plant Citronella, Lavender, Cucumber, Geranium, or Chrysantemum.

7. Ornamental Plants
As a garnish, you can plant some trees such popular Cactus, Betel Netherlands, Aglonema, Rose, and Tuberose.

8. Vegetable Garden
This species is more useful. In addition to a more beautiful, you can use this plant for direct consumption for everyday needs such as Mustard Greens, Peppers, Broccoli, Kale, Spinach, or Tomatoes.

6 Benefits of Cycling

Present condition of our earth is getting hotter, shade trees difficult to find areas in big cities. Pollution are also increasingly smothering. Worse venom neurotoxins contained in the form of pollution can cause birth defects in the womb, uterine cancer, damage the brain growth of children, attacks the nerves, disrupting the function of the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, nervous system adolescents, decrease fertility, spontaneous abortion and causes of stress and crazy . Contribution of motor vehicle exhaust gas as a source of air pollution is the most high, reaching 60-70%.

Cycling and benefits on quality of life.

Better conditions for cycling activities have benefits that can not be separated on quality of life in big cities. The number of people cycling can be a good indicator of the age of life expectancy. As we know the high life expectancy is a factor that affects the interests of business and job seekers, and no less important will also attract tourists.

Leisure cycling and integrated to provide an alternative route other than the use of private vehicles (motor) and will increase social contact with others. With the availability of facilities and pedestrian bike path, people will interact with each other and strengthen relationships among neighbors. If this is all achieved, then there will be a community that people are healthy and have good social identity.

The benefits of cycling to yourself :

1. Burn Calories
Cycling can be one of the programs to reduce weight and maintain fitness. Just a few minutes bike ride from home to our destination 4-5 times a week, can reduce weight around 5-6 pounds in a year. It is suitable for you who want to lose weight, but have not gotten the right way.

2. Reduce Stress
Cycling provides a profound effect on the feelings and moods. Cycling can reduce stress, improve mood, alleviate depression, and self-motivation. For example with cycling we can think about a lot of things, planning something or interact with their surroundings.

3. Make Excited
Cycling provides a positive effect on our mood and feelings. Cycling can reduce depression, strees, improve mood and motivate ourselves. As an example we can see the cycling environment more closely, socializing with the environment, enjoy the scenery and fresh air. The bonus of all is health.

4. Losing Weight
Only a 15 minute bike ride from home to our office 5-6 times a week, we have managed to reduce our weight 11 pounds in one year.

5. Benefits to the Liver and Heart
Cycling and reduce the risk of heart attack, high blood pressure, and diabetes, that's why cycling is one of the means to live a healthy life. The results mentioned cycling short distances and is often done to reduce the mortality of approximately 22%.

6. Health
With cycling routine every day, will train our breath to breathe more qualified than those who did not have a hobby of cycling. Cycling is more effective than aerobic exercise, and certainly more exciting because we can see the surrounding environment.

Very many benefits of cycling for health. In addition to maintaining health, with cycling at the same time we can sustain the environment and our beloved earth.
Let Cycling ...!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Minimize The Use of Plastic and Reducing Plastic Waste

plastic bottles - one types of plastic
Plastic Bottles - One Types of Plastic

Plastic is a material which widely used by humans, such as for packaging, plastic bags, straws, coating materials, toys, household appliances and utensils, school supplies, and so on. Most of the household items which we use everyday are made of plastic. The rapid development of the plastics industry and technology make our lives easier and more practical.

Plastic and all kinds of goods are made of very hard plastic for recycling. Plastic and plastics products will be broken down or destroyed on the ground in a period of approximately 200-1000 years later. When burned, plastic will result in toxic chemicals that cause various diseases such as clogging of the airways, lung cancer, impaired fertility and so on.

Accordingly, we expected to be more careful and be more efficient in the use of plastic goods. The things we can do to minimize the use of plastic and reducing plastic waste are as follows:

1. Utilizing items made ​​from used plastic for a variety of craft items made ​​or used in other forms such as wallets, bags and other.

2. Use and take advantage of cloth bags shopping bags to reduce plastic bag shopping bag.

3. Develop a plastic product which durable so that it's use can last longer.

4. Develop technologies or innovations substitute plastic or recycling plastic.