Showing posts with label News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label News. Show all posts

Friday, March 21, 2014

6 Unique Trash Can In The World

Trash can is needed in every place. For those of you who are looking for unique trash can, maybe some of the trash can be purchased below. This is a unique 6 trashcan in the world:

1. Touchless Automatic Trash Can

Touchless Automatic Trash Can

As we know, trashcan surely relate to dirty and smelly, there is no single person who likes memegangnya.Tetapi different with this one trashcan is an infrared sensor, the trashcan open automatically as long as you are within 6 inches of sensors. Three seconds after the finish, the lid slides will be closed automatically.

2. Barcode Trashcan

Barcode Trashcan

Do you know if not all types of plastic can be recycled? Do you ever pay attention to the bottom of a bottle of mineral water which you drink? There is usually a sign of recycling can be found with the middle digit.
This is a sign that indicates whether this Plastic trash can be recycled or not. This tool is a smart trashcan are equipped with bar code. Making it easier for friends to filter the objects that can be recycled.

3. Expanding Office Bin

Expanding Office Bin

These bins can expand when filled with garbage. How unique is not it?

4. Ovetto Bin

Ovetto Bin

Italian architect Gianluca Soldi, who really care about the environment, designing Ovetto to make recycling easier and more organized, it offers three separate divisions for different types of recycling. Each part has a door for bag removal and cover to cut waste, and different colors to put the incoming waste.

5. Armstrong Bin

Armstrong Bin

These bins are designed to compress the volume of production of our trash every day. Armstrong Bin name comes from the first human landing on the moon, as you will land your first litter here.

6. Minus Trash Can

Minus Trash Can

The designer of Turkish, Cem Tutuncuoglu had the bright idea to keep the rats scouting foul aroma of your kitchen. With creativity, he managed to create Minus Frozen Garbage Container. From the name was predictable that the results of this work in the form of trashcan that could keep your organic waste so that the temperature remained below zero degrees so it does not decay and release a foul scent.

That's 6 trashcan unique and creative world. By disposing of waste in place well enough to help the earth.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

10 Of The Most Vital Rivers for Survival in the World!

Yangtze River
Yangtze River
River is one part of the hydrological cycle. The water in the river is generally collected from precipitation, such as rain, dew, springs, underground runoff, and in certain countries the river water also comes from melting ice / snow. In addition to water, river sediment and pollutants flowing well.

This is 10 of the most vital rivers for survival in the world :

1. Yangtze River - China
Yangtze River the heart earth to China. Father of modern China, Dr. Sun Yat-sen, sparking dreams tame rivers around the Three Gorges of the Yangtze to simultaneously take advantage of the first power plant. The idea of ​​Sun Yat-sen to stem Yangtze River, intended for flood control Yangtze River to the annual flooding prevented and controlled. Security of shipping and give power and controlled water flow to northern China each year water shortages Chang-jiang-meaning Long River, residents along the Yangtze familiar appellation, historically geographically divide 6,300 miles of rivers mountains snow Geladandong sources, Tibet Autonomous Region, to the city of Shanghai, China, to the north and south.

Not wrong for ambitious projects in the world's largest dam is a masterpiece of Chinese engineers. Especially considering its development fund, 90 percent financed by China.
Three Gorges is hinting on behalf of the three valleys (Qutang, Wuxia and Xiling) who became the dam reservoir, it is truly gigantic. Its construction should move 1.3 million residents, dredge about 134 million cubic meters of soil, need 28 million cubic meters of concrete and 463 thousand tons of steel, equal steel needed to build 63 Eiffel Tower. The length of the dam reservoir reached 600 km and can accommodate 39.3 cubic km of water of the Yangtze river. The total power generation capacity reached 22,500 MW to about 84.7 TWh of electricity supply.

This dam has a 5-shiplocks flight that can accommodate six vessels of 10,000 tons and a weight of one-step vertical shiplift which can accommodate vessels of 3,000 tons of surface 62 meters to 175 meters of surface water dam in quick time. The ship then went on a cruise to Chongqing, faster than shiplocks which takes four to five hours.

2. Mekong River - Arterial Southeast AsiaMekong is one of the major rivers in the world. Mekong is the longest river 12th in the world, and 10th largest in terms of volume (release 475km ³ of water annually), mekong fill an area of ​​795,000 km ² of Tibet, flows through China's Yunnan province, Burma, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam . All except China and Myanmar enter into the Mekong River Commission. Due to the very different seasonal variations in flow and the presence of "rapid" and waterfalls make navigation very difficult. The Mekong River is inseparable from the history of nations, especially in Southeast Asia.

3. Ganges River - India
Ganges river in northern India and by officials and by the Indian government as a national river Bharat. In Hinduism, Ganges is also worshiped as a river dewi.Sungai is sacred to the Hindu religion.
River Ganges is an economically important waters in India, but is better known for its religious significance. City of Varanasi, on the edge of rivers, is estimated to be the of the most important cities in Hinduism. Many believe that their life is not complete unless they bathe in the Ganges at least once in their lifetime, because it will cleanse the soul of all sin.

4. Volga River and Lena River - Europe and Russia
Volga is the longest river in Europe. This river flows into the western part of Russia, and is widely viewed as the national rivers of Russia. Eleven of the twenty largest cities of Russia, including the capital, Moscow, is located on the edge of the Volga rivers.
Lena River is the largest river in the world to-10. The river is located in Siberia. Length of 4,400 km (2,734 miles). This river comes down from the Arctic Sea to the Baikal Mountains.

5. Danube River - Europe
This river is the only major European rivers that flows from west to east. Its source is in Germany in the Black Forest (Schwarzwald). The length of this river is about 2,850 km, towards the Black Sea in Romania, located in the Danube delta.
Because wide and deep, the Danube is used for freighter traffic is important. On the upstream side, in the region of Germany, has constructed the canal that connects to the Rhine via the Main River.
Overall there are ten countries in its path: Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Germany, Hungary, Moldova, Slovakia, Romania, Ukraine, Serbia and Montenegro, and has tributaries in seven other countries.

6. Amazon River and Rio River - South America and Uruguay
The Amazon River is rivers in South America the second longest river in dunia.Amazon also has the largest drainage system of the entire rivers system. Although the longest river Nile, but Amazon could be considered "the strongest" (seen from the amount of water flowing per second).
The amount of fresh water being released into the Atlantic Ocean is enormous: 184 000 m³ per second (6.5 million feet ³) in the rainy season. Amazon flow is one-fifth of the total fresh water entering the sea around the world. The water in the sea near the rivers has a low salt content up to hundreds of miles away.
The main river (usually having one to six miles wide) can be passed to a large ocean steamers to Manaus, nearly 800 miles upstream from the rivers mouth.

7. Nile River, Niger River, Senegal River - Africa
Nile River is a major transportation artery in northeastern Africa. In addition, a fertile strip along the edge is only capable of some agricultural land in the region.
Niger River is an important source of water in the deserts of North Africa. Stretches of the river in the western part of the continent and is the easiest way to travel through the area.
Senegal River is important for the same reasons as the other two rivers over North Africa. Mali, Guinea, Mauritania and Senegal have joined forces to create an organization that oversees and cares for the watershed that flows through all four states

8. Mississippi River - United States
Mississippi River, rivers in the United States. Is one of the longest rivers in the world and is the second longest river in the United States. Has a length of 3,734 km (2,320 mi) and sourced at Lake Itasca in Minnesota and led to the Gulf Meksiko.Mississippi has become incredibly important in U.S. history. The first time the United States became a country, the Mississippi River is the western border of the U.S.. In U.S. history, the Mississippi has become very important for the transport of water.

9. Rio Grande River - United States
The Rio Grande (known in Mexico as the Río Bravo del Norte, or simply Río Bravo) is a rivers that forms part of the Mexico - United States border. It is the fourth longest river system in North America. The river serves as the natural border between the U.S. states of Texas and the Mexican states of Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo León, and Tamaulipas.

10. Murray River
River Murray in South Australia is Australia's longest rivers. Murray River (and associated tributaries) support a variety of unique rivers life adapted to its vagaries. Murray River (and associated tributaries) support a variety of unique rivers life adapted to its vagaries. This river covers various native fish such as Murray cod, trout cod.

Friday, March 14, 2014

8 Animals Capable to Help Conserve the Environment

Apparently, the animal has the privilege that is capable of protecting the environment. What are these animals and how the animals protecting the environment. This is 8 animals capable to help conserve the environment:

1. Ball Python
Ball Python
Ball Python
Ball Python animals can be found in Africa, they are among other foods rats and other rodents. These animals help curb the increasing rat population is beneficial to the ecosystem. It turns out that the presence of these snakes can help reduce the population of other rodents.

2. Woodpecker
Trees are central to the needs of woodpecker habitat. The tree is a place where they dig holes to nest or to roost for the night, and where they spend a lot of time searching for insect grubs living under the bark of trees. These birds like to eat a lot of insects and termites, so that the population of these pests can be controlled.

3. Fennec Fox
Fennec Fox
Fennec Fox
Fennec Fox has a remarkable hearing that that help them locate their prey hiding under the ground, namely rodents. The rodent population increases very dangerous for plantation crops. The existence of this wolf population balances these pests. But unfortunately, many animals that have lost their natural habitat and are victims of poaching by humans. Though these animals do not harm humans.

4. African Grey Parrot
African Grey Parrot
African Grey Parrot
This bird is a "good friend" for tropical forests, because they are the one who sowed the seeds and seedlings of trees in the forest. They also feed on nectar, so it helps all the pollination process a wide variety of plants in the forest. They have a high level of intelligence as well as chimpanzees and dolphins, unlike other birds.

5. Lemur
The ring-tailed creature is an animal that is "eco-friendly", and comes from Madagascar. Just as African Grey Parrot, lemurs also eat tropical fruits, thus indirectly also sowing seeds of trees in the forest. It is very useful for the forests of Madagascar who have lost more than 80% of its forests due to illegal logging and human agriculture.

6. White Sharks
White Sharks
White Sharks
The white shark is a big shark that is in the coastal waters around the main ocean surface. The great white shark is known for its size, with the largest individuals approached or exceeded 6 meters (20 feet) in length, and weighs 2,268 kg. This type of shark reaches maturity at the age of 15 years has been, and can live for about 30 years. Known white shark is very fierce. However, these animals have an important role in maintaining the marine ecosystem, they eat marine animals that harm, and that can damage the marine food chain rotation.

7. Earthworm
Earthworms can help treat kitchen waste into compost good for plants. Earthworms are able to transform organic matter into edible dirt (castings) and urine (worm tea). The content of urea in the urine worm is a good natural fertilizer. Moreover worm droppings containing nitrogen, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, and calcium are essential for plant growth. Earthworm body consisting of 70% protein is a highly nutritious food source for livestock and pet animals such as chickens, ducks, fish, eels, and birds. Activities undertaken dig earthworms were able to create a natural drainage system, increasing the amount of air and water in the soil so that the soil becomes more friable and better for planting all kinds of crops.

8. Dung Beetle
Dung Beetle
Dung Beetle
This one beetle plays a very crucial role in the agricultural world, because they like to bury and consume dirt. This is in addition to increasing the turnover of nutrients in the soil, but also "save our livestock", because it can reduce the impact of the spread of disease through animal waste. It does the job but look at the benefits that disgusting.

That's 8 animals capable to help conserve the environment. Animals are should protect and preserve. Similarly, the way they are supposed to preserve the environment we as humans can be more feasible to preserve the environment.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

6 Animals Which Use The Concept of Reuse

Most of the animals live in balance with their natural environment. They just take only what is needed, and maybe throw a little bit. But some animals also know how making use of waste, especially the rest of the rest of the trash we leave behind. This is 6 animals which use the concept of recycling :

1. Weaver Spider
Weaver Spider
Weaver Spider
Species Cyclosa ginnaga, decorate webs with any debris that may be found, such as leaves and twigs. Although the main purpose of decorating a little creepy (for lure in prey, or to hide the webbing), many weaver spiders build their nests every day, so they are always busy recycling. This helps keep their nets and their surroundings clean!

2. Hermit Crabs
Hermit Crabs
Hermit Crabs
Hermit crabs do not grow their own shells, so to protect themselves they must save the shells left by other marine life, usually from sea snails. And sometimes they would use whatever they could find, such as glass bottles, cans. As the growth of their bodies, they must find new, more suitable shells. In this way, the cute crustacean shells continue to recycle them.

3. Bird
Some bird species have adapted to urban life on the human environment by building their nests with whatever is available, which often includes discarded items such as clips, paper, yarn and other. Bowerbirds from New Guinea and Australia, build elaborate nests and striking the eye in order to attract a mate, would often gather colorful trash (such as bottle caps and plastic). In other words, recycling is considered sexy for the birds! Of course, like pigeons and seagulls also take advantage of all the food scraps left by the people, eating what they could.

4. Dung Beetle
Dung Beetle
Dung Beetle
It's a dirty job, but someone has to do it. Yes, even the dirt is too valuable to be left in vain, and no animal may understand this better than dung beetles. These insects live to collect and use the dirt to build their homes, eat and lay eggs in it.

5. Octopus
Octopus is probably the most intelligent invertebrates on this planet, especially their ingenuity in the use of tools. Some species, such as octopus veins, have been shown to build a hideout from discarded debris found lying around, from cracked coconut shells, sea shells left behind, glass bottles and other packaging discarded as trash.

6. Coral
It has been estimated that 75 percent of all coral reefs worldwide are threatened, but there are also reasons to hope. Although the They are very sensitive to changes in their environment, these animals are also very adaptable and they are willing to attach themselves to almost any hard surface that was around them. These include shipwrecks, underwater pipelines and even oil rigs. By recycling the rubble on the sea floor, they also provide habitat for other species that rely on countless coral reef ecology to survive.
