Showing posts with label Plants. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Plants. Show all posts

Thursday, March 20, 2014

10 Ornamental Plants to Absorbing Pollutants

spider plants
Spider Plants
Most people do not understand why they feel sick. They may not know that in the house, various toxins comes at all times: toluene, xylene, ethyl acetate, methylene, acetone and chloroform. Three other toxins even a major threat: benzene, trichlorethylene and formaldehyde which can lead to serious health problems, such as asthma, cancer and allergies.

NASA scientists and Associated Landscape Contractors of America (ALCA) have discovered that there are a variety of ornamental plants that can make the air clean, pure and balanced. These plants not only absorb pollutants, but also get rid of noxious gases from the air. How, incredible, right?

What are and how the shape of the plants are very useful against these pollutants, let's look together

1. Spider Plant
Spider plant is a plant that grows quickly. This plant is great for removing toxic gases and other pollutants, such as formaldehyde and xylene. To get a better effect, this plant should be put in the kitchen, near a fireplace or in places where carbon monoxide accumulates.

2. Boston Ferns
Exotic plants with leaves elegant curved and frayed. Boston ferns act as a natural humidifier. Boston fern will grow better if it were on the conditioned place humid. By releasing humidity into the air, they remove air pollutants such as benzene, formaldehyde and xylene. Also of course also give clean air in the house.

3. English Ivy
Although the leaves are toxic, English Ivy is a very popular houseplant and is best suited for patients asthma and allergies. Easily to grow in bright sunlight, these plants have the a remarkable ability to remove benzene, formaldehyde and a variety of toxic chemicals released by synthetic materials.

4.  Areca Palm
This plant is very sensitive and known as a humidifier. Although these plants grow slowly and must maintenance all year, but this plant can be stored anywhere, especially beside the newly polished furniture or carpeted room. This plant helps neutralize deadly poison, such as formaldehyde and xylene.

5. Golden Pothos
Also known as Devil's Ivy or Silver Vine, Golden Pothos is a very invasive plant. With green leaves and stems are progressive, this plant can be creeping surrounding area. This plant is very efficient in removing indoor pollutants such as formaldehyde, benzene and xylene. But be careful, because these plants are poisonous to dogs, cats, even children.

6. Aloe Vera
We all know that aloe vera is presented in many skin care products. Not only useful for the skin, this plant is also able to filter out harmful emissions of toxic materials.

7. Chinese Evergreen
As plants are very good air purifier, Chinese Evergreen is a plant perennial herb. This plant will grow better with less water and least light. This plant can filter the air toxics such as benzene and formaldehyde.

8. Snake Plant
Mostly used as an ornamental plant, this plant is an evergreen perennial plant that is tolerant of the lack of water and rain. Scientists find evidence that this plant has a a remarkable ability to absorb formaldehyde, nitrogen oxides and various other chemicals present in the air. One adult plant leaf 4/5 strands can refresh the air in an area of ​​20 square meters.

9. Marginata
One can not ignore the beauty Marginata, plants that have thin leaves sparkling with red edges. Not only removes formaldehyde and benzene from the air, the plant is also capable of other toxins present in the air. But, proper maintenance should be taken when placing the plants in the house because it can be toxic to your dogs.

10. Peace Lily
Peace lily known for being able to cut indoor toxins that can cause cancer. Peace lily is very good at cleaning the air. Helps drop benzene and formaldehyde. No doubt this plant is recommended for a home that meets the term "Sick Building Syndrome"

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

7 Types of Plants That Can Be Used as Natural Deodorants

There are many ways to make the body smell good. In addition to beauty products that can be purchased in stores, we can also take advantage of the herbs around us.
There are few types of plants that have a natural deodorant predicates. These plants till now still used by the people who live in the countryside. This is 7 types of plants that can be used as natural deodorants:

1. Etlingera Elatior
This plant is often used as ornamental flowers. This plant can also be used as extra vegetables when cooking. Diligently consume these plants proved to be beneficial to maintain freshness scent. This is because the active substances contained therein, which sapomin, flavoinoida, and polyphenols. This plant is also rich in vitamins and minerals.

2. Betel Vine Leaf
Betel leaves are known to contain antiseptics and other active substances that are beneficial to cut body odor problem.
How to use:
a. Boil five betel leaves with two glasses of water, wait until the remaining into a glass. Drink while warm once a day until the body odor is gone.
b. Take a taste of betel leaves and then mashed. Mix with a little whiting. Apply the mixture on the underarms.

3. Pluchea Indica Leaf
Pluchea indica leaves, oval, short stalks, and green. The flowers are brownish white. The leaves and flowers contain alkaline substances that act as an antiseptic.
How to use:
a. Pluchea indica leaves eaten fresh as a salad with rice and side dishes.
b. Take a handful of leaves Pluchea indica then boiled in two cups of water. Wait until the remaining into a glass. Drink warm every morning and evening.

4. Ginger
Ginger is known as a traditional medicine that is often used to warm up against wind and nausea due to pregnancy and other causes. Research has shown that ginger contains substances antiviral, antitumor, and anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal properties as well. Both of these latter that causes the ginger can be used to cope with body odor.

5. Wild Ginger
These plants contain saponins, flavoinoida, and volatile oil to remove acne efficacious, refreshing the body, and eliminating body odor.
How to use:
Provide a ginger finger. Washed and cut finely. Boil with a glass of water with acid to taste. Wait until it becomes half cup. Wait until cool and then drink the potion.

6. Basil
The basil was fragrant and flavorful contain active substances that function as an antiseptic. These substances help eradicate the bacteria that cause body odor. Another benefit basil salad is to increase appetite.

7. Lemon
Lime is known to be rich in vitamin C and some minerals compared to other types.
Traditionally, lime has been trusted as a cough medicine over the centuries. In addition to eliminating the fishy odor when washing the dishes and cleaning goods originating from brass metal, lime fruit can also be used to eliminate body odor.
How to use:
Squeeze the lemon two. Take a few whiting and mix with the lemon juice. Apply to underarms to eliminate body odor.

5 Natural Ingredients Relieve Toothache

Toothache is a common health disorder and often occur without prior symptoms. The pain ranging from sharp, throbbing, up to constantly. From the pain it caused, of course, would disrupt your daily activities. In addition, if left without proper treatment, tooth decay will get worse and should be removed. To help you avoid this, here are some natural remedies that you can try at home.

1. Garlic
Garlic is one of the many treatments that claimed to be effective in relieving toothache. Puree the garlic cloves mixed with a little coarse salt and then place in an area hospital. This method can be expressed ease pain, sometimes even can heal. Additionally, it helps chew a clove of garlic every morning. This method can keep the tooth has healed stronger and healthier.

2. Shallots
Research shows that onions contain antibacterial components. Eating an onion every day by chewing proven way to protect teeth from a variety of disorders. Chewing shallots for 3 minutes otherwise enough to kill all the bacteria in the mouth. And you can relieve the ailing tooth by placing a small piece of onion in the area of ​​the teeth or gums are sore.

3. Lime
Lime, as a rich source of vitamin C, is very useful in maintaining healthy teeth and bones elsewhere in the body. Lime could otherwise prevent cavities and tooth loss, dental plaque formation, toothache, and bleeding of the gums.
To use it, take a ripe lime, cut it in half, squeeze, add sugar, give warm water, drink morning and evening, in two days toothache will subside.

4. Cloves Oil
Cloves effectively relieve toothache. Additionally, clove also reduce infection because it has antiseptic properties. How, apply clove oil to the hole damaged teeth. This method can also relieve toothache.

5. Pepper Powder
Flour mixture a little pepper with 1/4 teaspoon of salt is very good for dental hygiene. If used regularly every day can prevent cavities, breath smells, bleeding gums, sore gums, and toothache. It also can solve the problem of sensitive teeth. To relieve toothache, you can put a mixture of pepper powder and clove oil to the tooth cavity.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Positive Effects Works Because of Office Plants

Office Plants
Office Plants
Putting a green plant in the office, was able to provide a positive effect for the employees.

Employees working in the room with greenery nearby, will be more satisfied with their jobs, compared with those who did not put the plants in his office.

The employees which put the plants in his office, considered himself happier than the employees which do not put the plants in his office.

This is 3 types of plants which suitably placed in the workspace and does not need a much maintenance.

1. Sansevieria
The best type of air filter plant. You can put it anywhere because these plants can grow even if only with light office.

2. Zamia
This plant is very easy to maintain because it does not need too much watering. Zamia roots are capable of storing humidity with excellent. You just need to watering the plants most often twice a week.

3. Neanthe Bella Palm
This type of palm plant can be grown with a bit lighter. It's shape resembles palm tree, but the size is smaller so that fitted to be put on the desk.

You want to get a positive effect also from the plant? Planting and place it in your office.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Benefits of Water Hyacinth Plants

Water Hyacinth
Water Hyacinth
A water hyacinth plant previously regarded as harmful to the environment because it grows wild in swamps, lakes, rivers, sewers and other puddles. Because it is easy to grow and adapt it, water hyacinth in a short time is able to cover the surface of a river or lake that is very disrupt views.

In any case water hyacinth has benefits for medical science, export opportunities and business arena.

1. The leaf can be used for animal feed ingredients
2. The fiber can be used for handicraft materials
3. The stems can be used for flower arrangements buffer.

Water hyacinth plants also have important chemical compounds that can cure various diseases. At the root contained sulfates and phosphate compounds. The leaves are rich in compound carotene and the flowers containing delphinidin-3-glucoside. With the entire content of existing chemicals, the water hyacinth can cure throat feels hot, urine is not smooth, urticaria, and boils.

That is the benefits of water hyacinth plants.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

3 Water-Absorbing Plants for Your Garden

Many functions of plants grown in the house, one of which is too green and decorate the yard. Choice of plants well adapted to the conditions of the region. Factors also affect the level of rainfall in choosing plants that will be planted in the yard. There is one other function of the crop to be grown in your home, which is a water absorbent. Here are 3 water-absorbing plants for your garden :

1. Vetiver Grass
Vetiver Grass
Vetiver Grass

Vetiver grass can grow in all types of soil. Remarkably 1-1.5 meters tall grass roots three feet that have high absorption. It seemed difficult to spare land for growing grass at home to remind flow of water in the house.

2. Bamboo

Bamboo plants can absorb 90 percent of rain water, 10 percent evaporates. Imagine if your yard planted bamboo, the amount of water that is absorbed into the soil and be absorbed into the abundant source of water. After two years of planting bamboo, water discharge in the well will rise.

3. Teak Tree
Teak Tree
Teak Tree

For those of you who have a spacious yard, teak tree can be a source of abundant water. Although the dry season, teak tree is a bit deceiving, he molt but still absorb water. If the teak tree trunk is cut, it will grow new shoots. In addition to absorbing water, the other benefits of teak trees in between the leaves that can be used to wrap food.

That's 3 plants that have a function as a water absorbent. You can choose the plants that you will plant by adjusting the conditions around you and the wide area of your garden.


Wednesday, March 12, 2014

8 Types Useful Plants in Home Environment


The function of the plant not only meets the elements of beauty. Moreover, the plant is also useful for environmental cleanliness. Its application is also not difficult, because it does not have to qualify vast land. In a medium pot for a small land, this function can be fulfilled. Well, if you are still confused right types of plants that grow around the house, following eight types of reference plants for you in terms of the benefits:

1. Absorbent Pollutants
For plants that you need to absorb pollutants, you can plant Sansevieria, Philodendron, Ivy, Chrysanthemum, and Banyan.

2. Silencer
To muffle the noise, you can use the plant as Bamboo Japanese or Ficus pumila. This type of plant is suitable as an ornamental hedge or in the yard and the terrace.

3. Deodorizer
Plant deodorizer you can get from Tuberose, Kua Hua (Osmanthus Fragrans), and Cestrum.

4. Spice
To spice plants, you can plant Turmeric, Galingale, Ginger, Cinnamon, or Pepper.

5. Shade
As a primary function, you can get the plant shade of Cherry Trees. In addition to maintaining solid ground, this plant becomes conditioning from the heat of the sun and weather.

6. Insect Repellent
To repel insects, you can plant Citronella, Lavender, Cucumber, Geranium, or Chrysantemum.

7. Ornamental Plants
As a garnish, you can plant some trees such popular Cactus, Betel Netherlands, Aglonema, Rose, and Tuberose.

8. Vegetable Garden
This species is more useful. In addition to a more beautiful, you can use this plant for direct consumption for everyday needs such as Mustard Greens, Peppers, Broccoli, Kale, Spinach, or Tomatoes.