Tuesday, March 11, 2014

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Minimize The Use of Plastic and Reducing Plastic Waste

plastic bottles - one types of plastic
Plastic Bottles - One Types of Plastic

Plastic is a material which widely used by humans, such as for packaging, plastic bags, straws, coating materials, toys, household appliances and utensils, school supplies, and so on. Most of the household items which we use everyday are made of plastic. The rapid development of the plastics industry and technology make our lives easier and more practical.

Plastic and all kinds of goods are made of very hard plastic for recycling. Plastic and plastics products will be broken down or destroyed on the ground in a period of approximately 200-1000 years later. When burned, plastic will result in toxic chemicals that cause various diseases such as clogging of the airways, lung cancer, impaired fertility and so on.

Accordingly, we expected to be more careful and be more efficient in the use of plastic goods. The things we can do to minimize the use of plastic and reducing plastic waste are as follows:

1. Utilizing items made ​​from used plastic for a variety of craft items made ​​or used in other forms such as wallets, bags and other.

2. Use and take advantage of cloth bags shopping bags to reduce plastic bag shopping bag.

3. Develop a plastic product which durable so that it's use can last longer.

4. Develop technologies or innovations substitute plastic or recycling plastic.

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