Sunday, March 16, 2014

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Positive Effects Works Because of Office Plants

Office Plants
Office Plants
Putting a green plant in the office, was able to provide a positive effect for the employees.

Employees working in the room with greenery nearby, will be more satisfied with their jobs, compared with those who did not put the plants in his office.

The employees which put the plants in his office, considered himself happier than the employees which do not put the plants in his office.

This is 3 types of plants which suitably placed in the workspace and does not need a much maintenance.

1. Sansevieria
The best type of air filter plant. You can put it anywhere because these plants can grow even if only with light office.

2. Zamia
This plant is very easy to maintain because it does not need too much watering. Zamia roots are capable of storing humidity with excellent. You just need to watering the plants most often twice a week.

3. Neanthe Bella Palm
This type of palm plant can be grown with a bit lighter. It's shape resembles palm tree, but the size is smaller so that fitted to be put on the desk.

You want to get a positive effect also from the plant? Planting and place it in your office.

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