Thursday, March 20, 2014

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5 Reasons to Reduce Drinking of Water Packaging

bottled water
Bottled Water
Bottled water is healthy water - as it says marketers have us to believe. You try to look at the labels or advertising of drinking water: from a pure source, coming from the mountains, healthy and safe. Showing people who are healthy and actively drinking when cycling in the park and on the way to the yoga studio.

In fact, bottled water is just bottled water. But this fact does not only make people stop to buy it. It is estimated that various parts of the world, sales between $ 50 and $ 100 billion per year by expanding the market by the beginning of an annual rate of 7%.

Bottled water is big business, but in terms of sustainability, bottled water in the bottle is dry wells. Besides expensive, end up being garbage and divert attention from the real health issues: construction and maintenace of the city water system safe. Here is a list of solid reasons to avoid drinking bottled water bottles.

1. Bottled Water Value is Not Worth
Consider another comparison fluid sold in the market, such as gasoline. Fuel to be pumped out of the ground in the form of crude oil delivered to the oil refinery (as big half-way around the world) and then sent back to the charging station.

In the U.S., the price of water per gallon averaging around $ 3. There are 128 ounces in a gallon, which is now at the price of a faction of more than 2 cents per ounce. In terms of price versus production cost, bottled water is much more profitable than oil.

2. No More Healthy Than Regular Drinking Water
In theory, bottled water in the U.S. are within the authority of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). In practice, about 70% of water bottles never crosses state lines for sale, making it exempt from FDA oversight.

In the U.S., the city was under water Environmental Protection Agency and regularly checked for bacteria and toxic chemicals. If you want to know the quality of the water, in the U.S. can check the agency's website.

While some segments of society in the United States says that many municipal water systems are old and there are still hundreds of chemical contaminants that no standards have been set, but the empirical evidence that very little to suggest that bottled water is cleaner or better than regular water.

3. Water Bottles Means Making Garbage
Bottled water produces 1.5 million plastic waste per year. Based on the Food and Water Watch, plastic needed to make up to 47 million gallons of oil per year and the plastic used to wrap high quality drinks and high demand from collectors, while more than 80% of the plastic bottles thrown away.

So we can assumed that the empty bottle is equal to the waste or garbage cans. Plastic waste is now located on a very large volume and swirling major oceans in the world. It shows that using large risk to the life of the ocean, killing birds and fish as one of the up as food. Coupled with a very slow decomposition of waste (estimated at up to 500 years), most of the garbage that has ever been produced in the past still exist today-but it is not known or not detectable exactly where.

4. Bottled Water Means Less Attention to Public Water Systems
Bottled water packaging is considered more practical and much safer quality. One time the public is directed to an easy solution to this ongoing but it will be difficult to convince to invest more for upgraded public water system or add what is lacking in the system.

Actually a lot of requests for a public water system upgrade for the better. For example, in California, USA, American Society of Civil Engineers estimates it needs $ 17.5 million grant to improve water infrastructure in 2005. In the same year, the state lost 222 million gallons of drinking water due to leaking pipes.

5. Corporate Water
In the documentary film Thirst, authors Alan Snitow and Deborah Kaufman demonstrated the rapid worldwide privatization of municipal water supplies, and their effect on the local economy.

Water is referred to as "Blue Gold" of the 21st century. It is contributed to and caused by the increase of urbanization and population, shifting climates and industrial pollution, fresh water became the most valuable resource.

Multinational companies stepped in to buy the land and distribution rights wherever they can, and the bottled water industry is a vital part and commodity for many people. It must be remembered that water is a basic human right: the right of access to safe and affordable water.

What could be you do?
There is an easier alternative than water bottles: buy a place to drink thermos stainless steel and use in everyday life. If you did not set like the taste of the water in your area, buy a carbon filter. Not only make the water taste fresher also an effective way to change the taste of water.

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