Wednesday, March 12, 2014

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Build Eco-Friendly House

 Eco Friendly Home
 Eco Friendly House

More people are showing interest in making environmentally friendly house. The progress of modern house construction method always leads to a reduction of negative environmental impacts. Development technique that takes into account the environment, some of which include using environmentally friendly materials, energy-efficient design, as well as the incorporation of alternative energy and waste water management in house design.

Environmentally Friendly Materials
The use of certain materials during the construction of houses affect the concept of eco-friendly houses. Use recycled wood are widely available in stores building. In addition, there is also a plastic timber products made ​​from recycled materials. For the top, use a mild steel roof truss. The use of mild steel in response to the depletion of our forest timber. Mild steel is more effective in roofing applications. The process is more efficient in time, and is more precise because
manufactured. For frames, shutters, and doors use aluminum / PVC / UPVC. Meanwhile, use gypsum ceiling and iron frame holow. For the floor, you can use bamboo or oak that has a pretty good durability.

Energy Efficiency Design
With proper design of house design, the use of light in the morning until noon can be minimized or even not used at all. Proper design of the house is the room is filled with natural light and has a lot of openings. By itself, it can save up to 50% of electricity use. In addition, air circulation is also important in the design of eco-friendly houses. If the design of the house has a lot of air openings or vents, automatic air in the house will be clean. Clean air will not make the air around becomes hot. If it is not hot, then the use of Air Conditioner can be minimized.

Alternative Energy
The current alternative energy sources has become a common item in of private houses. Some systems generate electricity directly, such as photovoltaic (PV or solar electric) and wind power systems. Other systems, such as geothermal and solar hot water, can use the sun to heat or heat water for domestic use. Typically, PV and solar hot water systems can be mounted on the roof, while wind systems have land requirements.

Water management
Water management is a component that is often overlooked in an environmentally friendly house project. In fact, it is important to reduce water wastage. Efforts to reduce already widely done by use of dual flush closet or using sensor faucets. water used
washing vegetables or rice containing vitamin you can reuse for watering plants.Currently, also started dumping water from the toilet or kitchen water accommodated along with rain water, then processed, and reused for watering plants, washing cars, or flushing the toilet, so that no water is wasted. In addition, construction of water catchment wells are useful for filling in the ground water supplies. If any water is taken not filled again, then it is not possible groundwater will be depleted.

The house is not only a place for shelter, but also reflects the tastes and social status. Whatever be your choice concept, it should not be ruled out is that your house should be friendly to the environment.

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