Friday, March 14, 2014

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Global Warming Trigger Earthquakes & Mountains Erupts

Mountains Erupts
Mountains Erupts
Glacier. Glacier ice is the mass concentration of enormous, weighing billions of tons and lead to 'pressure' on the structure of the layers of the earth. There are about 100,000 glaciers collection on earth, are generally concentrated around the Arctic (North Pole), Antarctica (South Pole) and in some highland areas where ice may form.

  • Tectonics and Seismic Activity (Rebounding Crust / bouncing layers of the earth's crust effects). Global warming increases the rate of melting of glacial ice on earth. Because of the characteristics of a very massive ice mass and weight, melting of glacial ice means a lessening of pressure on the structure of the crust layer. "Loosening" of pressure caused a redistribution of 'pressure' or 'severe'. Process of redistribution of weight / pressure (because the location of the glacier in large numbers scattered around the Arctic region and South) triggered seismic movements, both deep in the structure of the earth's crust and around the surface. seismic movement that triggered the movement of tectonic plates resulting in tremors, Trembling or EARTHQUAKE.
    An analogy: imagine we tapping the ball at the feet of a point with his thumb, then we release. Pressure to the formed surface will gradually be separated so that the ball will return to the starting position. If the ball of the foot is like the earth, the pressure release process runs very slowly but surely. Due to the characteristics of the earth's geological structure, the back pressure that triggers the release of seismic waves.
  • Volcanic activity
    The strengthening effects of water mass
    Global warming increases the rate of ice melt. Where did the water? Only one answer: the ocean. The volume of ocean water and expanded coverage due to melting ice - also means a threat to the big cities that are not far from the coastline will be inundated even drowning. The average warming of atmospheric temperatures also raises the average temperature of the seas and oceans, so the growing mass of water (thermal expansion). This combination increases the strength of the pressure on the fault (fault) tectonic plates that are in the vicinity. This pressure is theorized trigger the movement of magma from inside to out and eruption.
What Should We Do

Mitigation: Participate reduce 'Greenhouse Gas Emissions'
  1. Find out the sources of "Greenhouse Gas Emissions" of what, in the neighborhood or community
  2. Find out the steps to help reduce "Greenhouse Gas Emission"
  3. Actively participate in the activities of "Go Green, Save Earth, 3R".
Adaptation: Mental Preparation face conditions related to Climate Change and Disaster arising
  1. Understand what the risks of climate change on our.
  2. Find out our weak points and their sources.
  3. Minimize risk by adapting.
  4. Preparedness Action Plan to deal with emergency situations (natural disasters) on climate change.

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